Crappy Health?

Anyone have crappy health that's getting them down? Mine has gotten better with my 26 lb loss and lifestyle changes, but still not good. I was in excellent health before the birth of my daughter and then everything just went to heck.

Possibly bi-polar
Sleep Apnea
Hypothyroid (getting better)
60 lb weight gain after pregnancy
Now possible gallbladder issues

I keep hoping when I reach my goal of 130 lbs lost, most of these issues will go away and I can get my health back. Just bummed out today that it's been 3 years of illness, countless medication changes, tests, and stress.


  • shannonkk
    shannonkk Posts: 192 Member
    I think being pregnant takes a lot out of you. I was not eating enough or right when I was pregnant with my last two because the boys made me very sick. It's been 18 months and I still cannot get my iron/hypoglycemia/vitamin D and a few other leves up. The baby takes everything from you and then your body suffers. Plus, throw in lack of sleep, stress and trying to lose wieght. I hear ya, I was eating 1200 calories for about 7 months and finally I couldn't function on it anymore, dizzy, tired, headache and no energy.