makeup at the gym



  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I would not wear face makeup (powder, foundation, etc.) because it just cakes up your pores that are supposed to be sweating. I go wearing eyeliner though because I cannot go completely face naked. I don't wear mascara because it might run.
  • mamafrahm
    mamafrahm Posts: 132 Member
    I try not to - my mascara runs when I sweat then I look like a porn star

  • souki19
    souki19 Posts: 58
    Well are you planning to flirt at the gym? I'm so focused on lifting that I hardly notice people around me, unless you have legs to die for then I would catch a second glimpse in your direction.
    lol funny, i don't kno , i find a lot of guys staring at my bottom half .... so you can guess!
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    I say, do what you want to do! It's no one else's place to judge if you wear make up or not. I usually go to the gym with make up on because either I have already been at work or out running errands anyway. I end up sweating if all off anyway but who cares? If someone has a problem with it...that's weird and they need a hobby.

  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    I frown upon people caring about what other people will think.

    Yeah, when I see some chick dolled up in bedazzled workout gear and full makeup on, I laugh to myself, but if she's happy with what she's doing, that's all that counts.

    I heart you.

    If I'm wearing makeup, it's because it's after work and I wore it all day.
    Honestly, I don't even wear makeup to work anymore, so it's very, very rare for me to have makeup on.

    I do agree with Lorina though. I think it's funny when women primp to go to the gym. Yeah, it's nice that your sports bra is cute and your hair is perfect, but aren't you there to work out? It reminds me of the women who go to the trainer I use, who request the AC be turned up so they "don't sweat"
  • souki19
    souki19 Posts: 58
    I say no makeup. It runs and looks nasty. Just my opinion, but the gym is where you go to sweat and make fat cells cry. Not necissarily to look cute. The cute/beautiful/hot lookin part is sliding into those skinny jeans. with in reason, I don't care how I look at the gym. I am there to do a few things 1. make fat cells cry 2. push my body and mind 3. get stress out.
    the thing I really could do with out is the giant mirror though I hate seeing myself out of the corner of my eye. LOL
    Happy sweatin!
    perfectely said !!! this is exactely what i am thinking when i go to the gym :D
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    If I go before work , no make-up! But if I go after work, I go looking like an Office Admin in work out clothes. Either way when I get out of the gym I am so red faced and sweaty that it doesnt matter what I looked like before!
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I find its generally the hot girls that wear makeup there.

    And the other ones are hatin on em for whatever reason they can find.

    Ya, I said it.
  • tkn11
    tkn11 Posts: 276 Member
    I say, do what you want to do! It's no one else's place to judge if you wear make up or not. I usually go to the gym with make up on because either I have already been at work or out running errands anyway. I end up sweating if all off anyway but who cares? If someone has a problem with it...that's weird and they need a hobby.

    agree 100%! if you want to, then do it, if you don't, then don't. if someone's that concerned about if you have make-up on or not, then they aren't at the gym for the right reasons!
  • tkn11
    tkn11 Posts: 276 Member
    I find its generally the hot girls that wear makeup there.

    And the other ones are hatin on em for whatever reason they can find.

    Ya, I said it.

  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    It honestly depends when I am going. Sometimes it cant be helped since it is after work. I do prefer without it though. Getting mascera and eyeliner in ur eyes hurts!
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I'm not sure what people think is acceptable/not acceptable....but my vote is for "who cares!!" Do whatever you please.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    If you feel the need to wear it, then wear it. If you don't want to bother, then don't.

    Honestly I don't know why anyone cares if someone wears make up to the gym or not.
  • Krull_the_WarriorKing
    If you feel the need to wear it, then wear it. If you don't want to bother, then don't.

    Honestly I don't know why anyone cares if someone wears make up to the gym or not.

    You say this now.... just wait till you see me at the gym in my short shorts and my boys pop out to say hello.
  • Kimblesnbits
    Kimblesnbits Posts: 321 Member
    If you're coming straight from work or at the end of the day where you still have your make up on, there's no point to take it off just cuz you're going to the gym! Although if you're working out first thing in the morning, i don't think it's worth it to put on make up till after! I don't look down on girls w/ make up at the gym at all.
  • ML0305
    ML0305 Posts: 227 Member
    I say no makeup. It runs and looks nasty. Just my opinion, but the gym is where you go to sweat and make fat cells cry. Not necissarily to look cute. The cute/beautiful/hot lookin part is sliding into those skinny jeans. with in reason, I don't care how I look at the gym. I am there to do a few things 1. make fat cells cry 2. push my body and mind 3. get stress out.
    the thing I really could do with out is the giant mirror though I hate seeing myself out of the corner of my eye. LOL
    Happy sweatin!
    perfectely said !!! this is exactely what i am thinking when i go to the gym :D

    ^^^^^This!!!! Everyone there is to do one thing and that is burn, burn, and burn calories! IMO if you look refreshed and your make up is still on then you are obviously not working out!!!!
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    If you feel the need to wear it, then wear it. If you don't want to bother, then don't.

    Honestly I don't know why anyone cares if someone wears make up to the gym or not.
    You wont catch this chick anywhere without the make up! I agree! I dont really care who wears it and who doesnt, its a personal choice
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I always have a little eye liner and mascara on anytime I leave the house!
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    I find its generally the hot girls that wear makeup there.

    And the other ones are hatin on em for whatever reason they can find.

    Ya, I said it.

  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    My only gripe with people wearing makeup to the gym would be when they are using shared equipment (weight machines, for example) and they leave makeup streaks on the equipment. If you're going to wear makeup, at least wipe down the machines after you finish so the rest of us don't get your makeup on our clothes.

    I personally find that wearing makeup when working out makes my face itch. I don't even wear makeup to work much; I was genetically blessed with good skin (my mom and grandmother both have beautiful skin). My sister had a terrible bout with adult acne, but I somehow dodged that bullet.