Breast feeding

I'm new, and have 160 lb to lose. I am still breast feeding my 6 month old son. Will it affect my milk supply to stick to my calorie allowance per day, should it be upped? I know weight watchers and slimming world give you more points if you are breastfeeding but not sure now he is 6 months and eating some solids too? Any advice?


  • hbart500
    hbart500 Posts: 304 Member
    I have heard and read multiple times while breast feeding you should be taking in around 1800 calories a day. Also if you are exercising during the day that ups the calories you can eat. But you should be sure to drink pleanty of water throughout the day to help keep your milk supply up. I know if i didnt eat or drink enough throughout the day it would take away from the milk. I would eat when your body is hungry just make healthy choices. Its hard when breastfeeding because i was hungry all the time haha. :) GOOD LUCK! I know you can do it!
  • jgilhen
    jgilhen Posts: 31
    In the snack portion of you food diary you can choose breastfeeding and it will adjust your calories for the day. Also, drink lots of water, you may be thirsty not hungry.
  • jgilhen
    jgilhen Posts: 31
    Good luck!! :smile:
  • shelfwoman
    Thanks so much, I have found the breastfeeding thing, I have an extra 300 cals per day, still takes me under 1800 though (1650).
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    I was told that I needed 500 cals extra for the first 6 months and then a little less once they were on solid foods. If you feel your milk supply is dropping off just increase your cals a bit. There is an option "breastfeeding" under exercise that roughly works out how many calories you burn. It might be worth a look :)
  • Allasauna

    I would say your best bet is to try this caloric needs calculator for a breastfeeding woman.