1570 calories and can't do it.



  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    If you want a filling sandwich, and a filling day generally, eat more vegetables! Low cal, full of micronutrients and filling as! Get a salad sandwich and some veggie stir fry into you!
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    If you ate breakfast, lunch, & supper & you still have 700/1500 cals left then you're just not eating enough @ each meal & snacks.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    Up protein and throw in some healthy fats too like nuts or avocados. If 1570 is a huge change for you, it probably wouldn't hurt to up it a little bit for a while to give yourself time to adjust.

    I'm at 1600 and most days I wouldn't make it if it weren't for working out. I could probably stand to eat more too and still lose at a decent rate. What is your daily activity level like? How quickly are you losing weight?
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    I discovered that when I would eat old fashioned rolled oats for breakfast that I was hungry again really fast. So I switched my breakfast to 1 or two eggs (depending on if I was going to exercise that day) over a piece of toast. I discovered that the healthy fats in the eggs and the protein kept me happy for hours. Most days I eat a sandwich not with low calorie bread but 100 whole wheat. Natures own is only 50 calories a slice. The whole sandwich with low calorie mayo and lettuce and veggies is less then 300 but leaves me stuffed and happy. I am the same as you, when I eat oatmeal I HAVE to put sugar in it, same as my coffee. I cook my oatmeal with almond milk. It is half the calories as regular milk has more protein and sweetens it a little and then I dont need butter. My go to snack is almonds. Basically my strategy is this. I build my meals like this, protein, whole grains and healthy fats and bulk it up with veggies. And I do my absolute BEST to exceed my fiber intake EVERY day. That is probably the first thing I look at on a nutrition facts label. How much fiber does it have and then calories and then protein. The fiber will keep you full, the protein and healthy fats will keep you satisfied and the whole grains will lower your sugar spikes. Hope this helps. The only time I have problems with hunger and cravings is the week of TTOM. The rest of the time it is easy and I feel happy. Rarely hungry. Sometimes I have calories left over
  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    Hi there. There are some good suggestions in other posts. Personally I am on 1640 a day (though now that I have lost weight I should be on less). I too had a hard time not exceeding my limit (and still do). However after around 110 days on mfp, I can say these are the things that helped me:

    1. Exercise. The more exercise you do, the more you can eat.

    2. Good lean proteins. Eat a few eggs at lunch, or lean chicken or even lean beef and I bet you are less likely to be hungry. Try and get plenty of veggies and/or beans at these meals too, they fill you up for relatively few calories.

    3. Good breakfast. Oatmeal is a great start to the day (see you are already doing that). Whatever you do, don't stop eating a healthy nutritious breakfast. There are a lot of great healthy cereals around that you can swap for when you get bored with Oatmeal. But avoid all those sugary brands (read the packets!)

    4. Don't worry if you are a little (or even a lot) over as long as your weekly average is still within ball park of your target. You might not reach your goal as quickly but you will still lose. And in some cases (eg if you have been starving), feeding your body a little more may even startle it into losing more weight than you would have otherwise lost.

    5. Take a decent multivitamin particularly on days when you know you be eating badly (either not enough calories or not enough "nutritious" calories.

    6. If you feel yourself "starving" it could mean that your body wants to go into starvation mode (though I am not an expert on this). Personally if I was really hungry I would try to eat a healthy snack to tide me over to the next significant meal (and then try and eat a little less at the next meal). I find that fruit, nuts, yoghurt, even a little cereal all do the trick. I don't care too much if I go over calories with such foods as long as I keep it in perspective.

    7. Whatever happens, stick with your logging. Even if you find its hard to keep to the limit, keep logging. Being accountable is important and will still help you keep things in check. Over time you will spot eating trends that help will help you make choices that are likely to keep you focussed and on track.

    8. Remember to plan some "indulgences" of your favourite foods occasionally. Yes this won't help you keep "under the limit" but it will keep you sane.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Watch you sugar and the artificial sweeteners both will increase your appetite.

    When you make healthier choices with the nutrition to calorie ratios you'll be more satisfied.
    (I peeked at your diary and saw a lot of high cal low nutrition stuff,
    Focus on the good stuff... work on meeting your protein and calcium and whatever other nutrients you pick goals, before you eat any sweets. It changed how I feel big time.)

    Good Luck
  • val205
    val205 Posts: 50 Member
    Look for low GI foods, they help keep you feeling fuller for longer. Load up on water and green tea. Eat when you're hungry but choose wisely. Good luck!
  • judkinsjenny
    i made homemade clam chowder and trying to figure out how to meassure what was in it was hell. i just had to assume...
  • HealthyWayorNoWay
    HealthyWayorNoWay Posts: 83 Member
    Fiber and water....eat lots of food with fiber like shredded wheat,oatmeal, etc and drink lots of water
  • Megan2Project
    Megan2Project Posts: 351 Member
    You can check my diary if you like, I'm on 1570 too.
  • Megan2Project
    Megan2Project Posts: 351 Member
    You can check my diary if you like, I'm on 1570 too.
  • aclark41
    aclark41 Posts: 21 Member
    eat foods that are bulkier with lower calories...try roasting some broccoli or other vegetables...grapefruit and apples are good appetite suppressants, try eating those when you get hungry. Instead of oatmeal for breakfast try having something with high protein...try some combination of whole eggs and egg whites. that will keep you feeling fuller longer and one egg white is only about 17 calories. make sure all of your carbs are whole grains/not white it will keep you fuller longer. also try chewing really, really slowly...i find that it helps me eat less in general...dont wait to eat when you are hungry, but only eat when you are hungry. my sister once taught me the apple test. if you are really hungry then you would eat an apple. if you "dont want" an apple then you are not hungry, its something else going on. the apple test stops me from eating when i'm just thirsty or when its about emotions/boredom/anxiety and not a real need for calories. hope one of these tips helps! good luck!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    6. If you feel yourself "starving" it could mean that your body wants to go into starvation mode (though I am not an expert on this). Personally if I was really hungry I would try to eat a healthy snack to tide me over to the next significant meal (and then try and eat a little less at the next meal). I find that fruit, nuts, yoghurt, even a little cereal all do the trick. I don't care too much if I go over calories with such foods as long as I keep it in perspective.
    MFP has the built in don't eat under 1200 to prevent starvation mode warning, but...
    It is and isn't about the calories... Yes, it is very hard to get adequate nutrition in less than 1200, but you could be eating 3500 cal and still go into starvation mode if you're not getting enough NUTRITION

    -Good Luck

    P.S. SteveEagle nice to see that I'm not the only one who writes in outline form... good content too!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I would also suggest a bit of an attitude change.

    Instead of saying to yourself, "ugh this is hell measuring all this stuff," or "oh I just can't do it," focus on what you can do and try to make changes incrementally. You didn't gain weight overnight, so don't expect it to go away overnight. As far as measuring goes, it does get very easy once you get used to it so just give yourself a little more time to prepare your meals.

    There's some great advice in this thread already about eating more veggies and lean proteins instead of carbs. Just take your time and don't dive headlong into it.

    Keep your chin up girl! :)
  • judkinsjenny
    i dont exercise. i dont have enough time with three kids and all the crap there is to do around here. im always so tired that if i spent energy on exercise id have to lay around the rest of the day.
  • aclark41
    aclark41 Posts: 21 Member
    I can't eat carbs first thing, or I'll be hungry all day. I usually have eggs or a protein bar. I try not to eat crackers, cereal, or bread for snacks. I realized a long time ago I was a carbohydrate addict. Starting with carbs, especially simple carbs like sugar, make me crave more.

    Hope this helps.

    Same here. I can't do complex carbs in the morning or I am starving halfway to lunch. My usual breakfast is hard boiled eggs, 1-2 slices low sodium bacon, and a cup of homemade OJ (no sugar added).

    I totally thought this was just me! i had to stop eating oatmeal in the morning because it made me feel like i was starving two hours later! now i have one egg and one egg white, less calories but it totally works for me. Glad to hear others have the same issue!
  • judkinsjenny
    thank you!
  • judkinsjenny
    Oh i had no idea eating carbs for breakfast was doing this to me. I thought thats what you were sposed to do. egg white omlet for me for now on!!!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Someone mentioned you're breastfeeding - is that right? If you're exclusively breastfeeding no wonder you're hungry on those many calories. I've read it burns 500 calories a day to produce the milk but you might want to double check that.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I can't eat carbs first thing, or I'll be hungry all day. I usually have eggs or a protein bar. I try not to eat crackers, cereal, or bread for snacks. I realized a long time ago I was a carbohydrate addict. Starting with carbs, especially simple carbs like sugar, make me crave more.

    Hope this helps.

    Same here. I can't do complex carbs in the morning or I am starving halfway to lunch. My usual breakfast is hard boiled eggs, 1-2 slices low sodium bacon, and a cup of homemade OJ (no sugar added).

    I totally thought this was just me! i had to stop eating oatmeal in the morning because it made me feel like i was starving two hours later! now i have one egg and one egg white, less calories but it totally works for me. Glad to hear others have the same issue!

    You are definitely not alone. My best friend lost 90 lbs, and she has the same issue. No starches in the morning.

    Everybody is different though. My grandmother lost 67 lbs, and she eats a bagel every morning. I suppose it just depends on your body and your preferences.