fitness and the graveyard shift

Working 10 hour graveyard shifts, finding it really hard to keep up energy levels when I go to the gym, and i start craving carbs all the time 'cause i'm tired.

has anyone found some wasy of making it all run smoothly?


  • jilla47
    jilla47 Posts: 4 Member
    Can you get a quick workout at work? 10-30 minutes. It helps me when I work the overnight shift.
  • cherrikim
    cherrikim Posts: 57 Member
    When I used to work the graveyard shift I kept my clothes & sneakers in the car & drove directly to the gym when I got off. Try to get enough sleep prior to work if possible & maybe a cat nap during break or lunch if you get one. That should give you enough pep in the morning. Have a protein drink or something light just before you get off work so your not working out on a empty stomach.
  • sinilau
    sinilau Posts: 20
    I also work graveyard shift and it is hard to maintain balance in your life. I find that it helps to take a short nap before I workout I am refreshed and ready to go. It also helps to have a set time that I WILL go the gym and sticking with that same time each day. It's easy to get in a rut when you are working odd shift like that.

    Good Luck!
  • Annie092
    I don't work graveyard shift all the time but when I do, I am constantly eating. I think it's probably because there is just not much to do on graveyard shift at my job. Everyone is sleeping. And then when I get off I am totally wiped out. All I want to do is go home and hit the hay. Could be because I'm not used to graveyard shift, I don't know. I guess I don't have any advice to give you, because, like I said, I only work graveyard shift when some extra money would be nice, but I just wanted to say I feel your pain. :flowerforyou: