My mom is confusing me....



  • vwbug86
    vwbug86 Posts: 283 Member
    First of BMI is full of crap I could have 0% body fat and still be a healthy weight according to my BMI. I have boobs and they are not going anywhere. It does not account for muscle mass, bone density, or gender.

    Second you do what is comfortable for you. If you love your curves then you rock them. Don't let your mom put you down.
  • juggalotus
    Sometimes mothers are wrong and today, your mother was wrong with what she said. If your mother has always been thin, she has no clue how hard it is to lose weight. You have done a fantastic job losing 33 pounds. Your mother should be telling you what a wonderdul job you have done instead of telling you that you need to do more. If she does it again, maybe you should ask her why she does this. She may not even realize she is doing it. Great Job - Good Luck

    Actually, my mom lost 50 lbs a long time ago. So she does know what it's like to be overweight. But she was never my size...I can't believe I'm actually doing this...that should be enough for her because I never even stuck to a diet more than a week in my past...
  • FitToBeFab
    FitToBeFab Posts: 537 Member
    Sometimes moms just don't get it! Mine said a similar thing to me in high school. I was really unhappy with my weight so I recorded everything I ate and joined a rugby team for exercise. I dropped about twenty pounds and was able to fit into my sister's junior prom dress in time for my prom. Instead of being excited, my mom said "Hm, it would probably look better if you dropped another ten pounds." What really got me, is that my mom is not skinny!

    Your goals are set for YOU not your mom, remember that.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    This is's because EVERY parent believes they know more than their grown up kid.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    Meh, get to 150-160 and see how you feel. Maybe you'll decide you're done or maybe you'll decide to lose a little more after all. Everybody's different.

    My parents would say I looked good, ask what I weighed, and then gasp and say I weighed too much. lol. Just do your thing. It's just a number.
  • LMDelphia
    Mothers have a special way of getting under our skin. They always think that they are helping you, even if its through tough love, but it just so happens that some send tough without the love. Obviously, many of us understand, and 33 lbs is terrific! Keep at it and get what you want from yourself! That's a major achievement and still is getting better with each day.
    I used to be incredibly thin, through not eating much. I was seventeen to nineteen and counted obsessively without really knowing that I was mistaken in counting, therefore always going under 1,000. My mother always defended me even though it was pretty obvious what was going on, and I thought that I was so lucky that she stood up for me to my dad. My mistakes are mine to make, I get it, but now I'm healthy. I teach spin class twice a week, so I am not a tiny girl. My legs are stacked and I am a far cry from thin. It's not easy going from extremes, and it will still take me a long time to get to a good place where I feel good about myself.
    So it's not easy to hear my mother say 'maybe you shouldn't teach spin. you don't want man thighs, do you?'. No, I don't thanks, but I have to do this for myself so that I finally feel like I am worthy of myself. You should too.
  • Luckiestmomever
    Luckiestmomever Posts: 44 Member
    Mothers have a special way of getting under our skin. They always think that they are helping you, even if its through tough love, but it just so happens that some send tough without the love. Obviously, many of us understand, and 33 lbs is terrific! Keep at it and get what you want from yourself! That's a major achievement and still is getting better with each day.
    I have to do this for myself so that I finally feel like I am worthy of myself. You should too.

    I agree with this poster. Moms have a special way of getting to us. I could prolly blame most of my crap on mine and be partially right. But that won't help solve a dang thing. I have learned that I can't change anyone, I have to just accept them for who they are. Once I realized that these things were not my fault and that I could ignore it, I felt empowered. Hopefully you will too! Best of luck, you are doing a GREAT job!!