My Curry soup i made this morning

Carrots - Raw, 8 medium
Onions - Raw, 2 medium (2-1/2" dia)
La Nova - Butter Beans, 1 container (260 grams ea.)
Massel - Chicken Style Stock Cubes, x 12 @ 2.6g each
Spices - Chilli Powder, 4 teaspoon
Spices - Ginger, ground, 1 tbsp
Spices - Cinnamon, ground, 1 tbsp
Masterfoods (Australia) - Cardamon, Ground, 2 tspn (10g)
Cauliflower - Raw, 1 head, large (6-7" dia)
Celery - Raw, 1 cup chopped)
Galagal ground / sweet smelling/tasting ginger 2tsp (couldnt find it in add ingredient
enough water to cover all ingredients and maybe a cup or 2 more for evapouration
bring to boil & then simmer till soft & blend

i wasnt sure what i was going to cook.. so i put in chicken stock (its a lil yummy with the spices tho :) )
i also added a lil rock salt which i wish i hadnt now its just a lil too salty thats why ive left it out of ingredients as i wouldnt add the salt again...

Total: 986 198 9 52 = whole lot as a pot.
serves 8
per serve- cals 123 , carbs 25 fat 1 protien 7 ..

i have enough & if my calculations are right.. (looking at pot & taking my serve out)
8 x 1 cup & 1/4 cup PER SERVE

so good its my breaky today :) its a little bit cool here in Perth WA Australia this morning & thought ooo i may not want a salad for lunch
Left overs will go in portion size in freeezer for snacks Yes what an amazing low cal Snaxk :)