5 9 Goal weight?



    DETERMINED2Drop Posts: 285 Member
    Thank you...! :heart: You are very beautiful yourself.
  • jennlos
    jennlos Posts: 200
    The normal weight range for someone 5-9 is anywhere between 130-170 I am going for 175 because I got some booty that will never go away. :laugh:
  • cupcake568
    cupcake568 Posts: 178 Member
    I'm 5 8 and I my first goal is 165 because that is the high end of a healthy BMI...once I hit that I'l re-evaluate
  • SGFlyinHi
    SGFlyinHi Posts: 469 Member
    You need to go for a weight you feel comfortable with. You can't always go off of charts or what others do because we are all different.

    I am 5'8" and 170. I want to stay between 165 and 170. I have a lot of muscle, in fact 132lbs of my 170 is muscle. So for me, I'm happy at 170. I even have people telling me that I need to stop losing weight. :bigsmile:

    Good luck. :drinker:
  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    Your body is different than everyone else's so you need to just be comfortable with where you're at. I am 5'9" and there was a time I was trying to go for 150 cause I had it stuck in my head that that's the image everyone wants. I will tell you when I weighed 160, even when I weighed 170, people told me I needed to stop, that I was starting to look like I was doing drugs. I was happy at 160, even at 170 as well. Heck, right now I just wanna get down to 200.
  • krissyshreeve
    I'm 5' 9" and going for 145. I used to be 230, and I've got only a little more to go--I feel like I can do it if I can keep off the ice cream :)
  • jrbb0309
    I'm 5'8" and I'm aiming for 138 because it's the last weight at which I was really comfortable and happy with my body before I started gaining. I've been as low as 110 and spent most of my late teens and early 20s around 121 and it was honestly too low. 164 would put me at a normal BMI so I'm going to just see how things go and anywhere between 164 and 138 would make me happy.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    I am 5' 9". I have a large muscular frame so my goal is 170. It was originally 180 because when I lost 50 lbs about 15 years ago and went from 230- 179 I felt amazing. So basically my ultimate goal is 170 but if I am feeling happy at 180 that is where I will stay. Like everyone else here my problem is maintaining the loss.... and I ain't doing this one again.

    Don't worry so much about the number, although it is easier said than done go by how you feel and the energy you have.

    Good luck!