Hit a plateau.... its discouraging me. help!

I have been dieting and trying to increase my activity over the last few months. I was losing weight steadily and dropped 20 pounds over a 2-month period. I have now hit a plateau and have not lost any weight (not even one pound) in the last two weeks or so, and I am finding that its discouraging me. I am keeping my calorie intake to 1300-1400 calories a day which is significantly less than I had been eating I am sure most days prior to me changing my eating habits. In addition, most days my sugar intake is below 40 grams and all days is less than 70g. I have increased my activity a bit, but currently am limited due to knee problems. I need some motivation. I feel 'stuck' right now. Any suggestions on how to keep trudging forward or how to kick-start my metabolism again and lose??


  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    are you eating back your exercise cals? I found for me initially when I didnt I dropped weight then it stopped. when I started eating back my exercise cals the weight started coming back off
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    I increased my calories for a week to 1800 (after eating between 1200 to 1400). After that week, I then resumed eating fewer calories and got the scale moving again after a 3-week plateau.
  • I've been at a plateau for 7 weeks..if you figure it out let me know!! I haven't given up yet..somethings gotta give..I've tried increasing my cals...nothing yet. Next week I'm dropping them to see if that triggers something. Good Luck..but whatever you do DON'T give up!!
  • Jean410
    Jean410 Posts: 104
    Have you tried to change your exercise routine? I know you said you're limited due to your knee, but maybe try to do something new. Trick your body into doing something different.
  • Try having one "cheat" day a week. By cheat I mean enjoy some of your favourite foods or have a very high calorie meal. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it will make your body think that it will be getting more food and speed up your metabolism. If you think this will make it impossible to return to your healthy diet, then maybe try having some peanut butter or dark chocolate instead of splurging for, say, greasy fast food. I hope this helps!
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    I just hit a plateau myself. I stopped losing weight and actually gained 3 pounds within 1 week. I found that I wasn't drinking enough water. I increase my intake from my average 2 8 oz cups to 8 cups and not only lost the three pounds but started losing weight again. I've been at this for about 2 months and have lost 22 pounds so far. I'm due for my official weigh in tomorrow but as of tonight I'm a half pound lighter than I was last week due solely to drinking more water. Hope this helps.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Try having one "cheat" day a week. By cheat I mean enjoy some of your favourite foods or have a very high calorie meal. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it will make your body think that it will be getting more food and speed up your metabolism. If you think this will make it impossible to return to your healthy diet, then maybe try having some peanut butter or dark chocolate instead of splurging for, say, greasy fast food. I hope this helps!
  • Hi, you can try variations on your exercise or do a little adjustment on your calorie intake just to trick your body and eventually it will kick start weight loss again. Good luck on your diet and exercise :smile:
  • skinimin
    skinimin Posts: 252 Member
    ATTENTION, HERE!! http://fitnesswithnatalie.blogspot.com/2011/05/most-dreaded-word-in-weight-loss.html

    Read that and all will become clear and apparent. It will also help you with your plateau.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Have a cheat meal once a week.
    Make sure you are eating back as many exercise cals as possible.
    Change your workout routine (time, exercises, anything) every 4 weeks or your body will become use to what you are doing.
    If you eat the same thing every day change something for a few days.
    Consider increasing your daily calories for a week.
  • these are all good ideas. I tried increasing my calories from the two lb loss per week, to the one lb per week loss. I also started weighing less often. like every 2 weeks. I only lose every two to three weeks. it's kind of funny. U catch up , and it averages over a week, you lose several pounds. but i never lose every week. Don't focus on the scales. Focus on planning ahead and eating all your calories. As for the exercise...I am older and can;t always do what all these youngsters do. I have hip pain alot, and walk with a cane at times. I don';t let this stop me. I walk when I can. i try to stay active, and count my calories. It works.Good luck . Add me if you want, .thanks Deb :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks everyone for the ideas! I probably do need to drink more water, and maybe I will try increasing my calories a bit here and there by eating something extra but still healthy. Hopefully those two things will work. Its good to be able to ask people who have been there!!