need help ....

Hi there...:)) i was 207 lbs now iam 199 lbs, iam here since last 2 weeks ...i lost 9 lbs but now my weight is stuck ...even when iam within my calorie goal... infact iam having lottsa water also to remove toxins...HELPPPP.....other wise i might get off from this goal which i dont want to ...pleez anybody help me


  • Stick with it! Everyone hits plateaus, but we can't let them stop us (I should know -- have let them stop me plenty of times!) I'm sure you're already feeling better just by what you're already doing; focus on that and your body will catch up with you. :-)
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    Congratulations on getting into the ones! :) There are several topics on plateaus with a lot of different things you can do. You can put plateaus into the search area and have a lot of information from zig zagging your calories, changing how many pounds per week, etc.
    Good luck and great job so far! You can do it! :)