Cant stay under my sugar goals!!!

lafournier2 Posts: 20 Member
edited October 3 in Food and Nutrition
Ok... so in trying to eat healthy/low cal, I try to have 1-2 fruits a day, plus yogurt. This always puts me WAY over my sugar count... not necessarily the carbs, but definitely the sugars. I get plenty of protein and fiber. How big of a deal is going over on this sugar stuff??


  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    How big of a deal is going over on this sugar stuff??

    It's not.

    And if that's actually you in your pic, it's REALLY not.
  • amyver3
    amyver3 Posts: 2 Member
    Yeah, I was wondering that too. I looked it up and found that added sugars is what to keep an eye on. Sugars from fruits are okay.
  • kbach75
    kbach75 Posts: 10
    it's mostly not a huge deal. just make sure that you get the majority of your sugar calories from fruits and veggies, as these are the best sources for sugar. ; )
  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 699 Member
    I don't think it makes that big a difference if your sugars are coming from fruits and milk etc. I am always over on my sugar and have been able to keep losing the past 7 months....I think if the sugar are from natural sources, then you should be fine.
  • I find it I quit tracking sugar and changed it to fiber instead :wink:
  • CrimsonScotty
    CrimsonScotty Posts: 47 Member
    it can be a HUGE deal, but as the others have said, it's the refined sugar that's the DEVIL!! The sugars from fruits and vegs result in a different insulin response than refined sugar and won't end up as extra fat nearly as easily as a Snickers!
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    No one can answer that question for you, except maybe a doctor. It depends on your own particular metabolism and how well it processes sugars. Some are better at it than others. For example, diabetes and insulin resistance are just extreme cases of people whose bodies are lousy at processing sugars & carbohydrates.

    Just listen to your body. If you get a rush or a high after eating something with sugar, and then you have a crash afterwards where you feel sad & moody & hungry, your body might not process sugars very efficiently. In that case, you might want to avoid eating very much sugar at a time, and definitely avoid going over your limit. But if you routinely go a little bit over the recommended amount, and you don't suffer any ill effects, then I'd say, go with it!
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I've been going over on my sugar pretty much since day 1, but I just started being very careful about eating clean 3 days ago and I still go over on my sugar, but now it's entirely from fruit and veggies so I'm not too worried about it!
  • Ah, yes. I am never under unless I work out like a mad woman. Most of my sugar comes from fruits, veggiess and the bars I eat.
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