Beginning to have my doubts about 30DS

I have missed two days - due to one rest day and one day where I did my gym programme instead. Did level 2 day 6 and found it tough.

My query is - if this programme builds real strength and endurance why is it so easily lost? Or is this just building adaptation to doing the same thing day in day out??


  • KatieCuth
    KatieCuth Posts: 569 Member
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member
    Every day you get a little bit stronger. Some people have only used Shred as their workout for months and add bigger weights and increase their reps. After a couple of days of recovery, though, I find that I'm stronger because my muscles aren't as sore.
  • You definitely build strength. At first, I couldn't even get through the first workout. I stopped after like 10 minutes in. Maybe less. :-x

    I completed (well, I did 28 days; I had a lot going on, and I got caught up in life) it and had lost nine inches and two pounds.

    I had been off the program a while when I knew I wasn't going to make it to the gym. I missed the gym a lot that day, so I turned on the 30 DS. I did level 1 and still felt so awesome that I did level 2. Back to back. NO WAY could I have done that at first. I couldn't even do much into the level 1. O_o It really does help!
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    no I think level 2 just sucks and is really really tough. And any work out if you miss it will loose muscle memory. I remember when I took 4 days off from the gym with my personal trainer and I wasnt as strong as my last set with her.
  • About how fit are people when they start 30DS, and what do people recommend in that regard? Right now I am a total newbie but am building up to it; would like to have an idea of when to break out the DVD. Thx!
  • Im sure it takes time to build the endurance needed thats why its 30 days :) Im sure if its really what you want youll get right back on track ! :)
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I did it never finished 10 days of each level, when i got bored i moved on. Just go to level 3.
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    You do as much as you can starting with level 1. I really like shred-it with weights as it has less jumping (athough there is some:). I do find it a bit easier. But, whichever, do as much as you can everday 5min-10min and, eventually the entire thing level 2 (harder than level 3 I hear);)
  • About how fit are people when they start 30DS, and what do people recommend in that regard? Right now I am a total newbie but am building up to it; would like to have an idea of when to break out the DVD. Thx!

    Well I Just started two days ago ! Im in really bad shape well in my opinion of course i have some leg soreness but its not horrible and I have full time job where I have to walk all day outside in the weather of arizona so I mean its ok so far The first level isnt really that hard and Jillian herself during the workout says that she has had 400-500 lb. people done the excercises and they were able to do it so like she says anyone can do it you just have to have the mind power
  • @SUgrad04
    You do as much as you can starting with level 1. I really like shred-it with weights as it has less jumping (athough there is some:). I do find it a bit easier. But, whichever, do as much as you can everday 5min-10min and, eventually the entire thing level 2 (harder than level 3 I hear);)

    Thanks for the feedback -- nice to know I should go ahead and try to get through the first few minutes now. Is the weights one a different video?
  • neuro316
    neuro316 Posts: 42 Member
    About how fit are people when they start 30DS, and what do people recommend in that regard? Right now I am a total newbie but am building up to it; would like to have an idea of when to break out the DVD. Thx!

    I think there's a huge range here, so I'll just speak for myself. I'm in the middle of doing 30DS for the first time (just finished Level 2 day 1). For the last few months I've mostly been doing elliptical and stationary bike workouts, with a small amount of weight lifting (machines) at the gym. I've never done a serious video workout regimen before. The first day of 30DS, I had a rough time, but I did finish the whole thing, with small breaks here and there.

    Also, I did the first day without weights because I wanted to see how it went without them first. Then for a couple of days I used small cans of food as my weights, since I didn't have any at home. From about day 4 on I used 3 lb weights (finally went out and bought some), and that's what I've been using since.

    Jillian includes beginner modifications of the exercises so if you're a newbie, I'd recommend doing those first. Also, know that your body will be hurting the first few days (my abs and quads were really sore!), but then it sort of magically gets better, because your body adapts. So just stick with it, and do as much as you can. Remember, anything is better than zero!
  • I finished L2D6's tough, I find still having to take a few breaks here and there...I started doing cardio with Tae-Bo when I first joined (8/29) I started the shred on 9/26. Even after doing all that cardio, I still have a hard time with the jump rope and twists. Even with level one, the jump rope cardio always made my calves cramp up...I personally have actually gained lbs and inches (I do stay within my 1200 cals and I try to eat back some exercise calories) :embarassed: ...but I think I am the only one in the world that this would happen to!!!!

    I am jealous of those losing 9+ inches during the shred....I hope someday to lose that much!!!
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    You do as much as you can starting with level 1. I really like shred-it with weights as it has less jumping (athough there is some:). I do find it a bit easier. But, whichever, do as much as you can everday 5min-10min and, eventually the entire thing level 2 (harder than level 3 I hear);)

    Thanks for the feedback -- nice to know I should go ahead and try to get through the first few minutes now. Is the weights one a different video?

    It is. Jillian uses kettlebells but I started with a 3lb dumbbell.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    I am jealous of those losing 9+ inches during the shred....I hope someday to lose that much!!!

    I'm not sure how realistic the 9+ inches and 20lbs is for those who start it already in reasonable shape.
  • It was only two pounds. I was VERY surprised at the nine inches lost. VERY. I didn't feel anything, really, but I lost 3 inches on the waist, 4 inches on the abdomen, and 1 inch on each arm! My arms hadn't budged in a long time prior to the shred.

    I even really dropped off my regular cardio workouts while I was doing the shred. I went from doing 120 minutes-ish a day to doing 45 to 60.

    I am doing the shred again... but I want to have my weigh/measure day at the gym first. :)
  • It was only two pounds. I was VERY surprised at the nine inches lost. VERY. I didn't feel anything, really, but I lost 3 inches on the waist, 4 inches on the abdomen, and 1 inch on each arm! My arms hadn't budged in a long time prior to the shred.

    I even really dropped off my regular cardio workouts while I was doing the shred. I went from doing 120 minutes-ish a day to doing 45 to 60.

    I am doing the shred again... but I want to have my weigh/measure day at the gym first. :)

    Well, my hat off to ya!!!
    I rather lose the inches than the lbs at this poin...but both wouldnt hurt!!
    I am having a harder time with L2 because of my knees, but I am looking forward to doing it again and maybe trying the Ripped in 30 or JM Yoga...

    Best of luck on round 2!!