hi - im new and need some advice..

first of all, Hi everyone.. :)

i need some help with my exercise - about 2 years ago i was walking 5 k a night and running in the poll in the summer days - all in an effort to lose weight, but my mum got really sick and bang - i lost 20kg in about 6 months from stress.. i only weight between 65 and 70 kg now but im a classic pear shape and am very unhappy with the excess skin i have around my things and hips.
i am very active from my work - i work about 50 hrs a week in a variety of jobs that include a fair bit of walking.. i try to go for s bike ride when i can but as i work such silly hours, i do find it hard to get out and about.. i have an ab circle pro also and an exercise bike - but due to various circumstances, getting to use the ab circle is a little harder than wanted. ..
i watch what i eat - im usually always under my 1680 calories and i try to taken one day a week of from exercises that im doing other than work.. any advice any one has got would be great and also things to eat as meals times for me are messed up and silly.


  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    Weight training. Sorry to hear about your mom and hardships the last while. Welcome to MFP. :)