thoughts on paleo diet

I'm considering starting to eat by the Paleo Diet. I have PCOS and have been having trouble losing weight and have heard good things from this diet. Anyone doing this diet have any positive stories or has anyone been trying to eat paleo/primal and faced challenges? Your feedback on this would be great! Thanks


  • RoanneRed
    RoanneRed Posts: 429 Member
    I was reading about Primal Blueprint today and really need to work more towards that but I'm going to find it really difficult!
  • Hi
    I started following this about a month ago and have lost 13 lbs. I really like it as a way to eat and don't think of it as a diet but as a choice to eat this way and cut out processed junk food. It automatically makes you eat less but much healthier food and reading about it the ability to control your insulin and start to use the fat stored in your body for energy makes sense. I have had no adverse side effects. Quite the opposite. I feel much more awake, alert, energetic and, so far, I am happy with it.
  • jellerose
    jellerose Posts: 74 Member
    It's working quite well for me. The only thing that has in a long time. I'm following the more "Primal" approach and allow myself some dairy. Mark's Daily Apple is a great resource for information on a primal approach. I had to be pretty focused and retricted in the variety of my foods in the beginning although even then I had occasional indulgences. That was due to knowing my personality and what it would take to stick it out, not a restriction of this lifestyle. There really is such a great variety of foods you can eat and lose weight while also getting healthier!

    After 3 months I'm only now getting to the point where I'm making substitute baked goods with coconut flour, etc.. It helped me personally to just not consider bread type items as allowed in my diet to begin with.
  • ahmedlogic
    ahmedlogic Posts: 29 Member
    I'm currently in my second month of going paleo, and I don't have any regrets at all. I lost a good amount of weight before going paleo, but I decided to try it out anyway after reading Robb Wolf's "The Paleo Solution. " I now continue to lose fat as I continue towards my goal, while gaining a lot of muscle along the way.

    Some of the greatest benefits of this diet approach for me is that I feel more awake and energetic during the times of the day when it matters, and I get tired at the right time as well - when it's time to go to sleep. I also love meat, veggies, fruit, etc. so I didn't have a problem with that. I did however, have a sweet tooth, which was gone after only 1 week on this diet. After not unloading on all types of sugar, I simply no longer crave it. The same goes for all types of grain (bread, rice, pasta, etc. ) and dairy (milk, cheese, ..). I do occasionally indulge in some cheese though, which I think is safer than eating a slice of whole grain bread. Eating bread can be the equivalent of eating a couple spoonfuls of sugar for your body's digestive purposes. After you have reached your weight loss goal, you will be able to keep eating paleo on a more maintenance-level diet. You will learn to know what your body needs - you eat when you're hungry and stop eating when you're satisfied, no more, no less.

    While eating paleo, you will probably start eating fewer carbohydrates than you did previously, and also fewer amounts of sugar. This is not the goal of paleo, but it is the effect of not eating grains/dairy/legumes. Because of this, your body will adapt to the new foods you are eating - the increased amount of good, health fats, as well as protein - and your insulin sensitivity will increase. That way, you will digest food more efficiently (without frequent inflammatory responses in your intestines) and will keep you from being hungry all the time (eating carbohydrates/sugar in excess amounts triggers an autoimmune response of thinking it needs more carbs, more sugar).

    I absolutely recommend this diet and I absolutely recommend Robb Wolf's book. I would check out his site, for some interesting paleo related info. There are also hundreds of delicious paleo recipes out there, including many replacement paleo foods that are grain/gluten-free. Google is your best friend here. Chances are, there is a paleo alternative to just about any food that you might want to have.

    Sorry for the whole schpeel here, just wanted to help. If you have questions, feel free to ask.
  • Another site I have found very helpful is this one. Paleo/Primal has really taken off in Sweden in the last few years and a lot of scientific research is being done to look at the value of a low carb high fat way of eating. It's controversial because a lot of nutritionists still want to stick to the orthodoxy on low fat eating but the results are showing that, for some, this is a way of losing weight. You could see what you think about this?
  • PrimalMorningMoon
    PrimalMorningMoon Posts: 85 Member
    Do a search for paleo or primal here at MFP and you will find several ongoing threads that are helpful and supportive.