Hello from Oak Bay, BC

I'm 5'6"ish (slightly over)

I started around 230ish and I want to get down to about 155ish

I live on the southern tip of Vancouver Island in gorgeous Oak Bay. OB is affluent so I'm surrounded by trophy wives who jog up and down the coast every day making sure they maintain their trophy bodies. I want to be fit and strong enough to pass for a trophy too!

I would love to meet workout buddies from Oak Bay to do stuff with that are truly committed to healthy eating and physical activity that want to fit in around here better too.

I like to geocache, kayak, play tennis, swim, figure skate, play Wii golf and DDR and do Wii workouts, work out on fitness equipment, bike ride, scooter ride, learn new and improved recipes, paint, read books, design web pages, walk around, and take pictures of things.

My pic was taken a couple weeks ago so it's current. Nobody believes my age which is good as my husband is in his 30s and has more wrinkles than I do. He's fit and my friends are fit, so I need to get fit to keep up with everybody around me. Plus I want to prove to myself that I can do this.

Last year I had a defibrillator implanted for my genetic arrhythmia problem in case my heartbeat becomes disorganized and suddenly stops. Then six weeks later I had cancer surgery and lost all my southern girly bits. Then some medicine I was taking caused me to spend a few months in bed. NOT helpful! But all that is behind me now and I'm ready to make this happen.

I quit smoking over ten years ago and once I made up my mind, I didn't think it was all that hard. I try to remember that when I worry if this will be hard or not - that my mind is made up, so why should it be? That calms me down and I get back to the job at hand, which is a one day at a time thing. Can I do it today? Yes I can! Can I do it tomorrow? Worry about that TOMORROW!

So far I've done 4 months and now Winter is coming - along with coats and lots of warm layers. When Spring arrives, I hope my body emerges with a new wardrobe that shows off a big change!

Welcome all friend requests especially if you're similar in any way... start/end weights, age, height, attitude, younger husband?, wanting to keep up with all your fit friends (tired of being that token fat friend!), living in Oak Bay?, heart patient?, love to do stuff? Just let me know!!