So tired........



  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    You say you were told you had low hemoglobin, but was that from a doctor, or someones opinion? If it was from a doctor then I would have thought they would have told you to take iron pills.

    I can tell you as a mom to 5 kids. I get really tire too. I start to worry thinking there is something wrong, but I have come to the conclusion that when I am tired it's because I need sleep. I know it sound weird, because when you are tire you don't think so clear, but one day I did have a clear moment. I realized I was up until 11pm, woke up at 3 and 5 with kids going potty, then I woke up at 7:30 to get my day started. I had felt refreshed at 7:30, so I didn't think I had a bad nights sleep. After doing that for 3 days I was really dragging, then I started to think I shouldn't be this tired, then I start worrying something is wrong. Start to google fatigue, start to lose two more nights sleep worrying about why I'm so tired. Then one day it hit me. I'm a mom. I have 5 kids, a boat load of laudry dishes grocery shopping and a full time job. Of course I'm Tired!!!

    Give yourself a break and take a nap.
    :yawn: :yawn:
    Then have a cup of coffee.
    If that doesn't work see your doctor.
    Best wishes, I am a little tired as I type this so I am sorry for type errors and if I sound crochy.
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    I was told by 2 doctors (primary and OBGYN) that my hemoglobin is a little low. Also, when I was a teenager, I remember them telling my mom that it was a little low also. I'm beginning to wonder if this is just normal for me lol. A friend of mine, who has been in the medical profession for almost 20 years now, told me to drink more water. I have actually started drinking more water the past 3 days and it does seem to be helping some. :)
  • So you're feeling better then? I hope so! Its really hard to focus on weight oss and healthy eating habits when i'm tired. I care less about what I eat and I tend to snack all day on junk and sugar.
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    I feel a little better when I drink more water but I have to admit that I am still tired lol.
  • That stinks but I am so sympathetic. I'm feeding my son "mommy milk" but i can't actually nurse so he's up every 2.5-3 hours and after I feed him I have to pump my "mommy milk" for 20 minutes so by the time I actually get back in bed, I only have about 1 hour to sleep. The multivitamins really help, but I find that getting outside for 20 minutes rain or shine, walking or sitting on the deck, I feel better and more awake. You may just need to seriously decompress.
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    OMG... I can so feel your pain! When my son, whom is 13 months now, was an infant, I had to pump too because he didn't know how to latch on yet. I felt like I never got any sleep!! It sucked! I remember telling my husband that if he would only lean how to latch, then it would be so easy. Once he learned how to latch on properly, it was much better. Nursing is wonderful for mom and baby but boy is it a lot of work....... and sometimes even painful. How old is your son?
  • He's 7 weeks. Definitely painful. my c-section went badly so I couldn't nurse him for 18 hours after birth so they had given him a bottle and he wouldn't latch. Once we got past that, we discovered that along with milk supply problems, I was inverted so he can't latch and I am doomed to pump only for as long as I decide to nurse. It stinks but it's important to me for him to have breastmilk so I know in the long run all the work is worth it.
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    I'm sorry for all the complications! They actually have these plastic shells that you can wear under your bra that helps with being inverted. Have you seen a lactation nurse? They are awesome! They helped me when I was nursing my son because he couldn't latch well. Good luck and congrats on your new little man! :)
  • Thanks! I saw a lactation expert every day for a week. They were great in helping me get my milk supply up, but since they had given him a bottle so often, he refused to latch on the one side. We're doing good now though. I am pumping exclusively about 28-36oz a day and he's being fed almost all mommy milk! At this point I'll take what I can get right. Well, sleep would be nice but I guess we can't have everything lol.