Hello, New Mom, Bride to be, Ready to trim it up

I'm a new mom with a stressful day time job and i'm also planning a wedding...so believe me i know what stress is...however i'm ready to change how i deal with my stress and shed a few pounds in the process. My goal is to sucessfully lose 50 pounds by May 2012. I believe this is a good start to discipline myself to a healthier furture...

Open to any positive advice


  • DarkAngel525
    Um...can I just say, your family is adorable. I really want to squeeze that little tiny!!

    Best advice I can give is every little bit helps! I have friends who post their exercise and sometimes it's only a brisk walk for 10 minutes or climbing stairs to go to a different level bathroom in your building. If you can't block off a chunk of time during your day, those quick moments will add up!
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    Good luck to you and congratulations on the new baby and your future wedding! I have stress issues too and I can tell you that exercising makes an incredible difference. If not exercising, yoga is not as vigorous but is pretty awesome as well. :)
  • mother_of_brigade
    mother_of_brigade Posts: 102 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Congrats on the little one and the wedding. Take your time going through the website, it is great! We're in the same boat with the 50lbs - just remember slow and steady. You will do great!
  • Karallyce
    Thank You Ladies!

    I'll keep all your advice in mind as i start my journey to a healthier/thinner me.

    Thanks for the friend adds as well