Sugar overload!

By miday, iv usually already had above and beyond my MFP RDA of sugars!

I dont eat too bad to be honest, yes i could do better. But i guess we all could.

Thing is today i have my cereal for breakfast, and for Lunch a decent pasta dish with a low fat yogurt and whole grain breakfast bar, and that puts me over my RDA of sugars (but only 800 cals and not much of my RDA of everything else)! thats before i even loggged the 2 cups of coffee with 1 sugar and the 2 or 3 more ill be consumining over the rest of the day and also, more importantly, it doesnt include Dinner either?!?!

This make me think how many sugars i used to consume, when i ate crappy foods and masses of them constantly.

But that besides my question... Should i be too worried about my sugars? its the only thing i regulaly go over, and not because of my caffine habbits either? on bad days ill double or even more on the sugars, ill eat whole good foods on some days and still break it?!?! is the RDA low or the figures for some foods on here wrong and high? or am i completely missing the point and completely eating the wrong foods?!?!

Alittle advice would be nice, im fed up of seeing my sugars in red digits everyday and feeling like my failing myself,

P.S iv lost 30lbs with the red sugar figure haunting me btw?


  • bridetobe310711
    my sugar is always over too... which worries me... i have asked a few ppl on here what they think and they say if the sugar is coming from good food dont worry about it...x
  • bridetobe310711
    well done on the loss too!!!!!!
  • AppleJuiceMoney
    having the exact same problem!! Ive gone way over sugars today and haven't really eat anything that bad- its's literally all come from greek yoghurt, an apple and sultanas... how frustrating!
    Is this going to inhibit my weight loss even If I'm really low on calories??
  • Ophelia75
    Ophelia75 Posts: 10 Member
    Cereals are very high is sugars. Maybe you could try having a more protein based breakfast or oats????
  • Sookie_182
    Sookie_182 Posts: 72 Member
    exactly the same here! had porridge with some sultanas in it and less than a tsp of sugar and my sugars were nealry gone! added in an apple as a snack and im over!! so im just wondering about that as well!!
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I've been wondering about this as well.... Here is an article I found....

    I found a few others and they all seem to be saying the same thing.
  • dougstevens
    dougstevens Posts: 208 Member
    Sugar is in EVERYTHING.... (that I eat *smirk*)
    Breaking the sugar addiction is hard.

    Cutting out more sugar than I already have would be a culture shock to my system and lifestyle. Admitted, not the best for me.

    Need advice on weening myself from current habits to healthier habits.
  • AppleJuiceMoney
    ughhh there goes the apples and honey :( thanks for the link!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Haven't looked at my sugar intake once since I've been here. I'm guessing its waaay over every day, but it doesn't seem to be making a difference at all. It's just a carrier of calories, so no problem :)
  • snowstorme
    snowstorme Posts: 125 Member
    You also have to watch the yogurt. Depending on the brand some are extremely high in sugars.
  • LeslieRuth
    LeslieRuth Posts: 8 Member
    Sugar is hidden in almost everything! Take a close look at the grams of sugar in the cereal, low-fat yogurt and breakfast bars you're eating. 4.2 grams of sugar are in one teaspoon, so if your cereal has 10 grams per serving (and few of us actually eat the serving size) you're already up to over 2 teaspoons of sugar. Flavored yogurt is notorious for being filled with sugar. For example, regular Yoplait fat free strawberry yogurt has 26 grams of sugar in one container, which is over 6 teaspoons! That is enough to sabatoge even those of us with the best intentions. Again, same thing with cereal bars. A blueberry Nutrigrain bar has 12 grams of sugar-- about another 3 teaspoons. So right there you've got around 11 teaspoons of sugar you're eating before dinner.

    I'd suggest looking for a cereal with 5 grams or less of sugar per serving. Cheerios is a great option, with only 1 gram of sugar per serving. Also unflavored oatmeal has no sugar at all (you can add your own in). Unflavored greek yogurt, or just regular plain yogurt is another option. If the taste of plain yogurt doesn't appeal to you, try adding in your own flavors (fruit, honey, even a tiny bit of jam) so you can control the sugar content.

    While cereal bars are a quick option when on the go, they are usually heavily processed and full of sugar. Same with granola bars. You may be better off with a piece of fruit, or even a slice of good whole wheat bread or toast with a tablespoon of natural peanutbutter (no sugar added) to stave off mid-day hunger.

    Also, look for foods that do not list sugar (or one of its many equivalents like high fructose corn syrup, brown rice syrup, corn syrup, etc.) as one of the first few ingredients. The higher up on the ingrediet list, the more it will contain.

    Finally, it's always better to get your sugars from their natural source, like fruits, veggies and dairy products, then from processed products that add sugar as one of the ingredients. When you eat them from theai natural source, you get the added bonus of all the other nutrients they come with.

    Sugar itself is not inherently bad in small quantities, but it has become difficult to avoid. Ultimately it can keep you from your goals, and let's face it, it's not good for your teeth either!

    I hope that helps, and keep up the good work!
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    Absolute top post Leslie, thank you!

    Thanks for the replies, you'd think with my mum being diabetic i'd pay more attention to that part of the diet area? But no, im going to take on your advice and see what can be done about it!

    Thank again all!
  • Sookie_182
    Sookie_182 Posts: 72 Member
    Sugar is in EVERYTHING.... (that I eat *smirk*)
    Breaking the sugar addiction is hard.

    Cutting out more sugar than I already have would be a culture shock to my system and lifestyle. Admitted, not the best for me.

    Need advice on weening myself from current habits to healthier habits.

    I had ta ween myself off white bread coz I loved the stuff onto the brown bread so I started with that first, if I was having 2 slices of toast I would have one white and one brown and gradually got used to it! Ive had ta do the same with dairy, I love that too and could easily eat double the recommended servings! I think if you fix them one by one it might not be such a big shock to the system and you might find it easier to stick it that way! good luck with it! :smile:
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    I've been wondering about this as well.... Here is an article I found....

    I found a few others and they all seem to be saying the same thing.

    this link makes me want to only eat letuce lol thank for link, quite interesting!

    thanks sookie! im usually good at just stopping doing something i have a habbit of, without too much of a kick back, like smoking and drinking and pastry, was 'addicted' to all now im a non smoker, hardly ever drink, and only have a sneaky sausage roll when i visit the bakery in the next town! wow they do amaziing tomato sausage rolls and i cant resist... sorry got side tracked lol point is, if just cutting it out dont work, i shall take on your advice, thank you :)