
Is anyone out there from Wisconsin?? I'm looking for some motivation for these looooong, cold, snowy, winter months. This weather just seems to suck the life out of me.


  • breezysoul
    breezysoul Posts: 159 Member
    Is anyone out there from Wisconsin?? I'm looking for some motivation for these looooong, cold, snowy, winter months. This weather just seems to suck the life out of me.
  • jaymcgirl02
    jaymcgirl02 Posts: 3 Member
    I used to live in WI! I live in Dallas now.....but I agree those cold winters make it very hard to have much motivation to workout....make sure to get all your stuff ready for the gym in the morning, and then dont go home until you are done working out......
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Hi, I'm not from Wisconsin, I'm in NH. But it sounds like our weather is the same! I spent over 4 hours total outside yesterday shoveling, roof raking, and snowblowing the 16 inches of snow we got! It's gonna be a LONG, LONG winter! :laugh:
  • ischmelle
    ischmelle Posts: 203 Member
    I used to live in Wisconsin too! I live in Chicago now, so I still have the long, cold winters. I am lucky enough to have my workout room in my building, so once I'm home for the night, there is no going back out in the cold for me!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Not in Wisconsin, but in Michigan's UP. Just as bad! And I can't really give you any motivating advice, I've been stuck myself since mid December. I've managed to force myself to the gym twice last week, and once or twice on the wii fit, and am starting to see the numbers move again.

    Nothing motivates me like seeing the numbers changing!
  • sisterrigby
    sisterrigby Posts: 65 Member
    I'm in Wisconsin! The weather has been really crappy! I'm lucky enough to have a wii fit & dvds & an exercise bike at home, so being stuck indoors has actually helped me (it stopped me from going to Wendy's tonight too!) But I agree that its pretty depressing and I'm really looking forward to being outdoors again!

    At least we keep gaining day light! It was light past 5pm today which actually lifted my spirits a bit! We'll get through this and before we know it it'll be nice outside...
  • genma1987
    genma1987 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm from Wisconsin...the only thing that keeps me going are my walks on my treadmill after work. I do have the opportunity to also walk at work, I work in a huge medical complex with lots of hallways and stairwells..that certainly keeps me going, too. But once the sun goes down, I really poop out fast, and the temptations are huge. I'm so looking forward to warm weather and doing things outside again!
  • Sheri4MS
    Sheri4MS Posts: 87 Member
    I am not from WI, but I can relate I am from ND. I agree it has been a horrible winter to keep yourself motivated. I am working out at the gym, but long for more time outside.

    I am training for a half marathon and 4 MS bike tours. I actually am a trainer for the new half marathon runners this year. So that forces me to bundle up and get out once a week to run with them. I also bought a bike trainer and rode it for the first time last night. I watched the rerun of biggest loser while I rode last night. That kept me motivated!!!

    Get a fun picture from last summer and hang it up to help motivate yourself on how much better you are going to look and feel this summer.
  • campfirequeen
    Wisconsinite Here!!
    I am doing a Biggest Loser Challenge with a local gym, our "crazy" coach has even had us out
    running-along Lake Michigan no less!
    So, if it is above 20 degrees, dress warm and get out there.
    We actually had one of our competitions at the local sledding hill, I don't remember
    climbing those hills being so difficult as a kid:noway: But, it sure kicked my butt and
    was fun to boot.
    My church also has a exercise program & have someone to watch your kids (if needed)
    it is very inexpensive ( just a thought )
    Swimming at the YMCA is also great this time of year, the warm water is very soothing.
    Snowshoeing is another way for us to take "advantage" of our wicked cold weather

    Good Luck!!:flowerforyou: