RNs working 12 hour shifts...exercise on work days?

Hey fellow RNs! I was just wondering if you work 12 hour shifts and if so do you exercise on those days? I'm finding that I can only work out 4 days a week because on the 3 days I work I'm way too tired to do anything, but I think I need to start working out more to see some progress. Let me know what you all usually do! Thanks so much!


  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    I used to work 12 hour shifts about a year ago and I was like you...I only worked out on my days off. I tried to work out when I got off at 7 but by the time I got done doing an hr workout, cook supper I didn't have any time to spend with my husband and kids.
  • vespaberrie
    vespaberrie Posts: 86 Member
    I work 7am- 730pm & usually go to the gym after work. I know it sounds crazy, but I find it harder to get motivated to go on my days off. Hitting the gym after work can be hard on those crazy busy days, ( you know the ones) And it can make for a long day especially if I have to work the next moring. But I it helps me sleep. I tried getting up early to work out... but an alarm at 4am is not appealing at all.
  • Mirror_Image
    I do 13hr shifts on days, and 12hrs on nights. Use your work days as your 'rest' (so to speak...) days from exercise. My problem at the moment is that in the last 2 weeks, I've done a lot of nights on the ward and so having gym benders on my 3-4 days off and doing early morning sessions at the start of my nights.
  • jlynn1001
    Many people i know do quick workouts on their lunch breaks when they work 12 hour shifts so that it doesnt interfere with the little time they have after work to do other things. if you can manage that, itd probably be your best bet since youd have more energy as well since itd be only half way through your day. Another option that may be hard to do, is wake up a little earlier and do a workout before work. Thats what i do, but its not too fun lol
  • cmpettey
    cmpettey Posts: 223
    I usually don't get a workout done on work days either. There just isn't enough time. I leave at 6:20 and get home at 8:15ish. After I eat dinner it's basically time to go to bed. I do, however, take the stairs instead of the elevator so by the time I go to and from parking, go up to my unit on the 4th floor, go down to the cafeteria on the 1st, back up t the unit, etc, I have walked several sets of stairs.
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    I would think that as a nurse, you are on your feet and walking around for much of your shift... you're likely getting a lot of walking in!! I wouldn't worry about it, personally.

    I used to be a waitress, and on days that I worked doubles I would never exercise... too exhausting!! By the time I was out of work, my back would hurt, my feet would hurt, and I was ready to DROP! ha.
  • lp0007
    lp0007 Posts: 125 Member
    I don't exercise on my work days but I walk to and from the hospital which is a 4 mile round trip. On nights I try to do 30 day shred or something before I leave for work. I use my days off as hard core days of exercise and work days are my rest days really. At least it means we don't end up overtraining!
  • akcouick
    I am not an RN, however I do work in a hospital, I am a patient sitter, I have noticed that all of the nurses are on their feet the majority of the day. What you should do is get the most out of your work day as you can, so that you time is being used as efficiently as possibly, since 12 hours are long shifts. I suggest wearing ankle weights, that way you get a small workout with each step you take, you can knock out your workout, while you are working, and you could wear them under your scrubs, I doubt if anyone would notice. If that doesn't work work, try eating something during your shorter breaks and work out during your lunch break. The hospital I work at has an employee fitness room.
  • maggiemom1
    I work 12 hour shifts. I get up early (about 4 am) and do 30 minutes before getting ready for work. I find that if I try to wait until after work I can't do it. I am too beat,but if I work out before I go to work, I go with a great attitude and a lot more energy! It is certainly worth getting up a little early.
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    I work on the 8th floor so I always take the stairs when I first get there and try to repeat that at least one more time. If I have anytime after work, I might throw in a HIIT workout, maybe 15 or 20 minutes long.

    But, most of the time, by the end of my shift, I feel like I've run a marathon, physically and mentally!!

    I keep my calorie intake just a bit lower on my work days so I don't worry too much about not getting the exercise in.
  • juicyfruit85
    juicyfruit85 Posts: 23 Member
    I am a RN and I do work 12 hour shifts 3-5 times a week. We are on our feet a lot. But I do not let that take the place of my workouts (I have thought of wearing a pedometer though and letting it be some extra calories burned). I workout on my days on and off. I'm currently on the Turo Fire schedule so I have every wednesday as a rest day only. I work at night so I do my routine around 2p or 3p and then go to work. It actually gives me energy for work. I attempted to do my workout after my shift, which would be in the morning, but it only made me more tired for the rest of the day, even after I slept.
  • brocantrs
    brocantrs Posts: 273 Member
    I work 7p-7a and do my long rides on my bike on my days off. I take a short ride on the morning that I am starting back to work after my days off.
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    I work 12's and in the summer I bike to work (5.5 miles) and back... when it is too dark aka now I either take the day off or I do a wii workout- a small one. I know that working in the hospital I am walking a lot so I as long as I stay in my cals I am ok with taking a day off. Biking is more of a wake up time for me in the morning or decompressing time for me to process the shift on the ride home.
    MKPRN Posts: 46 Member
    I work 12 hour shifts in a labor and delivery unit. Unfortunately, I do not walk as much as the average nurse. I spend a lot of time at the nurses station watching fetal monitors. I wish I could workout everyday but it is just not possible. On my work days I usually rest. I try to make up for it by spending extra time exercising on my day off. I try to throw in 2 workouts a day 2 or 3 times a week. I may do the treadmill in the morning and in the evening I might lift weights or I set up a circut and do that. If I can't workout 2 times in a day I might just try to spend 15-30 extra minutes on the treadmill.