Hi Everyone!

I joined MFP about a month ago on my phone, because I'm getting married next June. (yay!!) But I'm just now checking out the website version. I would LOVE to reach my ideal body weight, which would mean losing about 40lb (ugh), but more realistically I'd be happy to just get my BMI from 'overweight' to normal, which means losing about 15.

I lost about 30lb a couple years ago on weight watchers, but I'd gotten lazy and stopped tracking, and gained about 20 back. Nothing like having a wedding dress hanging on the rack to bring that motivation back!

but so far so good- I've been tracking for 25d now and have lost 6.5lb, hopefully I can keep it up!

I do have a few specific questions about the app, but I'll look around the forums first to see if they've already been answered.
