Well what do ya know, the foods you choose make a difference

I'm doing some adjunct work this semester, teaching an evening class of Physical Geology (630-930pm, twice a week). In some ways I prefer doing the evening classes, the students are older, most of them actually paid for the class but it is late, they have worked all day, and they are tired. I don't take anything that happens in the classroom personally but I still see them sleeping.

Last night, one guy (he's a good kid-just young) as we were leaving told me how sorry he is that he always falls asleep during lecture and that he doesn't know why he's so tired.

"I've been doing a lot of heavy lifting and go to the gym before class. I'm always starving. I usually hit McDonalds and down 2-3 McDoubles before class. When I get here I feel great. Ya, time to learn about rocks and *kitten*. But within 5min, I'm totally dragging and within 15min I can feel myself falling asleep. I don't know what the problem is?"

HA! I told him he needs to bring his own bean salad and yogurt to eat before class and that his homework was to work on his diet. I'm not holding my breath that he will take my advice.