My story (so far) and a couple NSVs

I've been using MFP since June, but have never posted here, so I thought I'd make a post to share my story, and a few NSVs that have happened recently.

I joined MFP in June, but I have been working out since March, so I’ve been at this weight-loss thing for about seven and a half months. When I started working out I was at my all-time peak weight of 329 lbs (I’m 5’10” by the way). Going by my MFP progress bar, I was 320 when I joined MFP, so by that time I had already lost 9 lbs. As of yesterday when I was weighed before a post-op doctor’s appointment, I weigh 270 lbs. That’s a total loss of 59 lbs, and a 50 lb loss since starting MFP.

The operation I had was a microdiskectomy on October 3rd. You see, I began working out in March because of back problems. Working out was part of my physical therapy. Basically, even though I am quite young (just turned 30 in July), the extent of my obesity was killing my body. I had a herniated disk, creaky knees, and no stamina.

My workout program consists of 30 minutes of stretching every day followed by a half hour (or more) on the elliptical. Every other day I also do a half hour to 45 min of strength training. On days I don’t go to the gym, I still stretch and either walk outside, do Wii fit, use resistance bands at home, or do a custom work-out on my 100 lb heavy bag (One of the most enjoyable workouts imaginable, and quite a good stress-reliever too. I recommend it highly, especially to the ladies. We're tougher than we think, and finding this out is a nice confidence boost).

I am not “dieting” per say, but I am practicing portion control, making an effort to choose healthy foods to eat, and NOT SKIPPING MEALS. For me, this has translated to me focusing on meat/protein (normal human sized portions) and fruits and veggies (unlimited) for every snack and meal, and limiting the carbs to rare complex carbs (whole grain breads/pastas) and potatoes. I’m trying to limit processed carbs whenever possible. Basically, if my cave-dwelling ancestors wouldn’t recognize it as food (I’m looking at you, Big Mac), I try not to eat it. Of course, if I tell myself anything is completely off-limits, I may start obsessing, so if I do eat something bad I forgive myself and move on.

So on to the NSVs: Yesterday, when they were prepping me for my appointment (you know, height, weight, temp, BP…) they brought the automatic BP reading machine over, and immediately grabbed the normal cuff! And the machine worked! You see, when I was at my biggest, those machines could never read my BP, and even with my pre-warning, the nurses always tried the machine multiple times until my hands turned blue before doing a manual BP. Also, as soon as they would set eyes on me, they would immediately grab the biggest cuff, sometimes having to leave the room to find one big enough to fit around my arm. Yesterday the nurse not only grabbed the normal cuff automatically, but the machine worked! I did a little mental happy dance.

Second NSV (possibly TMI, you are warned): My girlfriend (who started MFP at the same time as me) has also been working out (swimming for an hour every day, and weight training every other, plus she is a college student and walks around school all day). And we noticed a few weeks ago that not only is our combined weight loss allowing us to get our arms further around each other, but is also allowing us to…well, lets just say: get ourselves into some new positions that were not possible when out bigger tummies were in the way. ;)

Well, the beat goes on, and I eventually plan on posting before/after pics, but I’d like to lose a bit more weight first. Also, unfortunately, I didn’t like my picture taken when I was at my biggest, so I may have trouble finding good before pics. If there is one thing I regret, it’s not talking before pics and not taking before measurements. If you’re just beginning your journey, take my advice and do both!

Future goals:

ONEderland, of course.
Being able to shop in any store I want to shop in for clothes, and not having to make a b-line to the plus size section.
Start doing C25K as soon as I think my knees will be able to take it.
Being able to wear the clothes in the boxes on the floor of my closet (my high school clothes)
I don't know what my goal weight is, since I'm doing strength training now and never did in high school. I'm guessing around 150-170ish.


  • igora_soma
    Congrats! That's really exciting! Keep up the good work :)
  • skinnyack
    skinnyack Posts: 683
    Congratulations! What a great set of NSVs! :drinker:
  • kimbk1
    kimbk1 Posts: 38 Member
    I love your story. Im happy for your progress and your girlfriend too. Happy trails to you both;)
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Congrats on your recognized successes. Sometimes recognizing them is the hard part. I say 59lbs it a good sign of success and you are looking at the blood pressure cuff and the fun frolicking positions. I really think you need to go find something that weighs 60 lbs and carry it around for an hour and see how much progress you really have made. (umm wait. maybe wait unitl after you back issues are resolved.:flowerforyou: )

    Thanks for sharing your story. Best wishes on continued successes.
  • Soooze
    Soooze Posts: 122 Member
    You have already come a long way since March! 50lbs is amazing! MFP is life changing.
    All the support we need and the success of others is very inspiring!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you wish.
    I see we have a couple things in common: degree in criminology and love, love kickboxing!
  • TerraGirl17
    TerraGirl17 Posts: 275 Member
    Way to go!! 50 lbs is a huge deal!
  • Lolyballs
    Lolyballs Posts: 180 Member
    I am impressed! I have been so upset with myself... I started trying to lose in March as well after I purchased tickets to see my favorite artist in concert the 29th of this month. I was doing so good and then I am not sure what happened, but I gained back all the weight I had lost. When I started in March I was 272, I went up to 276 when I started working out... doc said muscle, keep going. My next visit I had dropped 12 pounds! Life got in the way of my working out, which I should not have let happen. I injured my back the last time I went to the gym but I am finally feeling like I can start back again. I was saying the other day I'm going for a pound a day. I know that is not possible, but if I can loose 15 pounds before the 29th I would be so happy! Keep up the great work... when you say 100 lb bag, is that a body bag? Like boxers use to work out? If so I'm going to go find one! Please send me info on your workout. I have a bad back, but it doesn't sound near as bad as what you are doing. I have been told no elliptical, no this no that... I need a good cardio workout!
  • ArynnOctavia

    Yeah what I use is a 100 lb heavy bag like what boxers use to practice. It's not hard to find them used, and pretty inexpensive too. I got mine used on craigslist for, like $50 including stand. It takes up a lot of room in the house (especially since I'm renting and don't trust the walls or ceiling to hold it up, so I have a whole freestanding stand). I also have hand-held sparring mitts that another person can hold, and they were even less expensive (only about 30 bucks new at the local sporting goods store). If you can find someone willing to hold them for you (which is itself a workout, so taking turns is fun too), they are awesome as well.

    What I like about my bag workout is it consists of 6 or 12 intense 2-3 minute rounds with a 30 second break between each, so it's kinda like interval training, which has been shown to be more beneficial than a steady moderate paced workout in the same amount of time. I research on youtube how to properly throw different punches, so it involves lower body as well, even it you don't kick. I highly recommend it, but be sure to get the proper safety equipment (hand wraps and heavy bag gloves), to prevent injuries. Hitting a 100 lb canvas bag full of sand can be hard on bare hands.

    I like the elliptical, because it's easy on my knees which, even with a 59lb loss, still creak. Especially on stairs. My girlfriend is a bit heavier than me, and her fav cardio workout is swimming. If/when you are okayed for elliptical use, try going backwards on it. Backwards hurts my back less that forwards.

    My physical therapist had me on a treadmill at first, and when he suggested going backward it ended with a very awkward session of me trying not to fall off the treadmill. He then had me try the elliptical, and I hated it (I felt like it was going to launch me over the handlebars at first), but when he said try backward, it all changed. I still go mostly backward on the elliptical, switching off with a few seconds of forward once in a while to add variety. Forward still feels weird, but he says I'll get used to it with practice.

    Your doc was probably right about the muscle weight, I've noticed since doing strength training that I'll have periods of fast weight loss where my size stays pretty steady, and times when the scale hardly moves, but I can TELL inches are disappearing, cos I'm suffering from saggypants. I think the fat and muscle are taking turns shifting around my body.
  • tiggerbounce411
    tiggerbounce411 Posts: 401 Member
    Here's a big HELLZ YA for you! My gf and I are also doing this together and we can now really mush each other in a
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