
DawnInOhio Posts: 211 Member
I have heard so much about edamame I had to try out of curiousity. I got a bag at kroger still in the pods, I followed the directions for the microwave (right in the bag). Sprinkled with some sea salt, and LOVED IT! I can see this being a staple. I ate it while preparing the rest of my dinner, that was an hour ago and still haven't eaten the rest because I feel so satisfied. Now I won't have to worry about late night snacking! Anyone else eat this? Any other way to eat it?


  • DawnInOhio
    DawnInOhio Posts: 211 Member
    I have heard so much about edamame I had to try out of curiousity. I got a bag at kroger still in the pods, I followed the directions for the microwave (right in the bag). Sprinkled with some sea salt, and LOVED IT! I can see this being a staple. I ate it while preparing the rest of my dinner, that was an hour ago and still haven't eaten the rest because I feel so satisfied. Now I won't have to worry about late night snacking! Anyone else eat this? Any other way to eat it?
  • cristy333
    cristy333 Posts: 16 Member
    that's the traditional way of eating it. you can also add the beans to your salads or if you wanted to make a healthy fried rice. I love edamame as well.
  • astarte09
    astarte09 Posts: 531 Member
    I LOVE it...the last time I went to sushi I got a cali roll and edamame, it somehow is filling. But I have never seen it at the grovery store :cry:
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    I am too sensitive to the phytoestrogens in soy. It makes me gain or in the least have migraines if I eat too much soy. They are really good on salads though for added crunch and protein.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    I LOVE it...the last time I went to sushi I got a cali roll and edamame, it somehow is filling. But I have never seen it at the grovery store :cry:

    Trader Joe's carries it in the freezer section by the frozen veggies they also have a soycatash mixed veggie blend.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • tennetubbie
    tennetubbie Posts: 312 Member
    I just ate it tonight at a sushi restaurant---thought you ate the pods but quickly learned NOOOOO
    They were delicious and popping them out of the pod killed time--low calorie ---- not in our local supermarket---maybe next time I go to the city.123504.png
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    I bought a low salt roasted version in a bag at Big Lots then divided out into snack bags. Better than peanuts whicj I love!:love:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    I just ate it tonight at a sushi restaurant---thought you ate the pods but quickly learned NOOOOO
    They were delicious and popping them out of the pod killed time--low calorie ---- not in our local supermarket---maybe next time I go to the city.123504.png
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter

    That cat! Precious!

    Edamame is sometimes in the frozen foods - did you ask your grocer? Most chains carry it now unless you are in a small town..?
  • xtraquispe
    xtraquispe Posts: 24 Member
    The two cats are PRECIOUS!!

    I buy mine from walmart in the freezer near the broccoli and stuff!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    it is a great soy protein but dont let your boyfriend/husband eat too much of it...soy is not for men...it not only has estrogen but also attacks testosterone and that is not good for guys....overall...guys should avoid soy products..

    note: this is what I have read....I might be wrong but I see no reason to risk it
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Will it decrease their sex drive? Cause if it does, I'm buying a caseful! :laugh: I haven't been able to find them, or greek yogurt here in Canada. Any other help?:huh:
  • DawnInOhio
    DawnInOhio Posts: 211 Member
    Will it decrease their sex drive? Cause if it does, I'm buying a caseful! :laugh: I haven't been able to find them, or greek yogurt here in Canada. Any other help?:huh:
    Oh, my! Toooo funny!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I split a case with you, if so!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • wannaBme
    wannaBme Posts: 143
    Edamame is in the frozen food section of Costco in Canada. It is near the frozen fruits in my store. I come in a case of 12 serving sizes for about $8 .. It's so easy!! Boil for 3 minutes, add a touch of coarse sea salt.

    I recently found some Greek organic cheese at IGA .. in Vancouver , BC
  • mimielle
    mimielle Posts: 44 Member
    I'm in Calgary and I've found them frozen shelled and unshelled at natural food stores, occasionally at Superstore or Safeway, and as frozen containers at Costco.