No Winter 5Ks, Now What? Need motivation!

So... with winter fast approaching and 5K options dwindling in the area, what do you guys do to keep motivated during the off-season months? I'm going to miss 5Ks, because it gave me something to train for.....



  • awkwwward
    Just because you're not paying an entry fee and wearing a bib doesn't mean you can't train toward your own "mini" 5K. Set a date, a time, map a course and DO IT.
  • bhelmreich
    bhelmreich Posts: 254 Member
    I am training for a 22k in Spring! It'll take longer to train for but it keeps me motivated.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    Move down here to Louisiana...we are just starting our race season, lol!
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    I'm having the same issue. I have one run left this year - a 10 mile on 10/29. After that I think I'm actually going to fork over some money and try crossfit for 3 months over the winter while its too cold and snowy to run outside.
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    I have a friend who runs his own personal 5K every morning and every night.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Pick a destination race early next year! Early December is the perfect time to start training for a February or March Half Marathon!!

    I'm doing one at Disney World in February =)
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Double post!
  • JoBfit4life
    Just because you're not paying an entry fee and wearing a bib doesn't mean you can't train toward your own "mini" 5K. Set a date, a time, map a course and DO IT.

    That's exactly what I was going to say. Get some decent winter gear and get out there! I love running on cold frosty mornings, it gives me such a kick!!
    Good luck.
  • GymRatRaceRunner
    GymRatRaceRunner Posts: 160 Member
    I run 5k's and 10k's on the treadmill at the gym.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    Try a winter sport. I love snowshoeing in the winter.
  • CoachsWife4
    CoachsWife4 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm glad you asked this!

    Down here in Texas, we DO get cold weather but not a lot of snow. My brother has graciously loaned me his treadmill for the winter, since he has no room for it, but I actually hope to continue outside as much as possible. A friend and I have plans to map various parks and decent running areas around and do that a couple times a month on good weather days.

    I LOVE the idea of planning a destination run for the spring - that would keep me frugal and running!
  • LilSomethin
    LilSomethin Posts: 545 Member
    I'm using the winter months to train for races in the spring to keep me motivated :)