Hashimoto's? Anyone else share the disease with me?



  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    I too have Hashi's. I was diagnosed in March 2011. My heart rate got crazy high when exercising, like 200 bpm when just walking. I mentioned it to my doctor and she wanted to do a stress test. After the stress test she said there didn't appear to be any problems and said maybe I had an OVERactive thyroid and maybe that was what was causing the high heart rate. They did a blood test and found out it was Hashi's. My sister also has it and almost everyone in my family has a thyroid problem so it wasn't really a big surprise. I have two small nodules, my doctor said one has now shrunk so small that it can't even be measured.

    Also, I have started a gluten free diet as of this week. I have read that there are connections between gluten intolerance and Hashi's, and I have the stomach issues that come with the gluten intolerance. I am hoping that between the new diet and taking my synthroid every day I will start to have more energy :smile:

    Feel free to add me!
  • geezalawheez
    geezalawheez Posts: 22 Member
    Also, I have started a gluten free diet as of this week. I have read that there are connections between gluten intolerance and Hashi's, and I have the stomach issues that come with the gluten intolerance. I am hoping that between the new diet and taking my synthroid every day I will start to have more energy :smile:

    I also have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism. I was just switched from Levothyroxine to Armour and feel so much better. I cut out gluten a few weeks ago as well, and am finally starting to gradually lose weight after about a year of dieting, exercising, getting frustrated and giving up, and starting all over again. I also take D and B vitamins which greatly improved my mood and energy levels.
  • geezalawheez
    geezalawheez Posts: 22 Member
    I'd like to correspond with others on MFP who also have Hashimto's since success and trials are a bit different for us given our obstacles.

    Have you joined the "hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism" group? There is a lot of trial and error involved in figuring out what works for you, but there are a lot of people in the group with great suggestions.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Hashimotos sucks, I am in the same boat :)
  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    i had an underactive thyroid for the last 20 years or so caused by hashimotos. yes i get tired, exhausted, everything in my body and mind is slow but i dont allow myself any excuses. my mother uses it as her excuse and i refuse to be an old lady by the time i am 55!! it just means we have to work harder, watch our diet more, know what foods to avoid and what to eat. I have a long history in medicine as well and i can tell you a gp is not the best option to go to for tyroid disease, unless you can find one that is interested in the endocrine system! there are several tests they can do but they chose not to or dont know how to do them. good luck finding a great dr who understands YOU! feel free to add if you like :)
  • jflo2011
    jflo2011 Posts: 31 Member
    I have it. feel free to add me. :-)
  • miltonduck
    I don't have Hashimotos but do have an underactive thyroid which certainly seems to be slowing me down as fra as weight loss goes, despite the thyroxine. Or maybe I'm just hoping thats why.....!
  • lalalauren26
    Yes, I do. Unfortunately, I'm only a teenager and have had hashimotos since I was seven. They couldn't figure out it was hashis until just last year. It has been a struggle for me because I can't eat all the crap other kids can and not see the effects like them and I'm terrified of needles so I put off blood tests for as long as possible. I am an athlete and watch what I eat very carefully but I can gain weight super easily. The good thing is that it makes me have to eat healthy foods just about all of the time so I'm treating my body much better than most teens!
  • ladyshills
    6 years dealting with Hashi's & fighting my weight every day! I finally found a nurse practioner who prescribed Armour Thyroid instead of Synthyroid (which didn't help me). I was able to lose almost 30 pounds last year using Weight Watchers but have since gained back about half of it. Today is day one starting back for me.. Armour Thyroid is a "natural" thryoid replacement instead of synthetic. I've only been on it for 3 weeks but have to say I'm starting to feel better again.. I have to say exercise is key for me.. I have to force myself onto the treadmill but if I don't I could sleep 12 hours a day & never have energy. Doctors are not that great about treating this disease.. TSH levels can look "in range" & yet you can feel like you're dying..

    Edit: There are some really GREAT facebook pages for Hashi's.... Thyroid Sexy is one (run by Gena Lee Nolan of Bay Watch fame)..she has the disease & is writing a book about it as well as trying to advocate more research. Another facebook group is Stop the thyroid madness... both are excellent sources of info as well as great ways to connect with others dealing with this disease.
  • hster3
    hster3 Posts: 11 Member
    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's when I was 16, but didn't go on meds until 3 years ago. I have a terrible time losing weight, and am lucky if I can get a pound off in a month. It also seems that one slip up day leaves me feeling bloated and horrible. I am on levothyroxine and cytomel, but am considering switching to Armour because I do not feel any different.

    Question for all those suffering with Hashi's and have had success with weight loss: How have you figured your daily calories? Do you go by what MFP suggests, or do you subtract some due to a low BMR?

    Also, does anyone else suffer from adrenal fatigue in addition to thyroid problems?
  • amychantel
    amychantel Posts: 52 Member
    I do too! Please add me as a friend!
  • vomma2
    vomma2 Posts: 13
    I have Hashimoto's as well. I was diagnosed two years ago. I'm taking Levoxyl. The symptoms that I still continue to battle are: Exhaustion, Dry skin, and of course Weight! I just started using this site to help me on my path to good health/diet, and I'm looking for new friends to share stories and cheer each other on. Feel free to add me. Thanks
  • geezalawheez
    geezalawheez Posts: 22 Member
    I have Hashimoto's as well. I was diagnosed two years ago. I'm taking Levoxyl. The symptoms that I still continue to battle are: Exhaustion, Dry skin, and of course Weight! I just started using this site to help me on my path to good health/diet, and I'm looking for new friends to share stories and cheer each other on. Feel free to add me. Thanks
    If you are on medication and are feeling even a little better but are still having hypo symptoms, you might consider switching to a different medication. Synthetic thyroid relieved some of my fatigue, but I began to experience mood swings, irritability, brain fog, and depression. When I told my doctor and asked to be put on Armour he refused and instead suggested that maybe I was taking too much medication and advised me to take my full dose one day and half my dose the next day. On the half dose days I was utterly exhausted. After a few days of that nonsense I fired that doctor and found another one who would actually listen to me. She switched me to Armour as I requested and, after my latest labs came in, actually raised my dosage.

    I think it's easy to forget what "normal" feels like, so we accept any improvement as the best it's going to get. Diet and exercise definitely play a part in how you feel, but if you are still having symptoms then something needs to be adjusted. Good luck to all!
  • ScarletPill
    I have Hashimoto's!
  • zCarsAndCaloriesz
    I found out about a year ago that I have Hashimoto's! Anyone can feel free to add me. :)