Busy Day badness! Please help!!


I need help!! On a Wednesday I work very long hours and I need help finding a way to get some fitness into my day so that I can actually eat!!

I start work at 8.15 in the morning and get home at 2pm for my lunch before heading out again at 4pm and getting home at about 9pm for my dinner. Its very hard as you need to leave an hour after eating before working out and we don't have a shower at home so that means having a bath which takes a lot more time!! I can't do anything in the morning at the moment as we have a 1 year old so I am really tired and I can't do anything when I get back at 2pm as I am really really hungry (to the point I feel faint)

What can I do to fit in a bit of excersise? Or to reduce my food intake even though I already eat a salad for dinner and have started having a Graze Box in the day?

Help me please!! I'm going to go over my calories for the first time today because I haven't been able to work out!


  • MEMoggridge
    MEMoggridge Posts: 151 Member
    Sounds to me like you already need to factor in some healthy snacks in the morning and afternoon to spread the cals so you aren't famished when u get in??? Perhaps the graze box will help here?? Then you might not be sooo hungry and could fit in 20-30 mins of exercise before "lunch"???
    Just a thought!!! Good luck with it!!! You're doing a grand job!!!:))
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    I did feel better for having my graze box! Will give it a go next week if I can get the use of the living room from my little one for a bit!! Thanks for replying!!
