Dropping Off The Pounds...

FitnessDynasty Posts: 62
edited October 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
So I'm about a week and a half from signing with the United States Army and going to MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) for the physical on Friday, October 21. My recruiter did my tape test* yesterday (Tuesday) and I was right at the limit for Body Fat Percentage (BFP). Recommendation from my recruiter was to do shoulder shrugs to build up my neck muscles to help pass the tape test.

As of yesterday I was at:
-Weight: 210.5 lbs
-Height: 68 inches (5'8")
-Neck: 17.5 inches
-Naval: 39.5 inches

Is it possible to drop at least a few more pounds in that week and a half and build up the neck around 0.5-1.0 inches in that time? Healthily, of course. Any recommendations? Can it be done?

* Military Tape Test: They measure from the naval around the stomach three times. Then they measure the neck three times at the Adam's Apple. Using some formula they take the measurements from the naval, the neck, weight, and height to get your BFP.


  • mlh29
    mlh29 Posts: 40
    ad military..
    the tape test is rather unreliable.
    It is doubtful that you will increase your neck in that amount of time.
    I would suggest cardio to lose your waist.
    With the measurements listed you are over by around 1-2% giving you a 24% limit. The bf limit goes on age so if you are younger you need to stay under 22%. They will waiver you at 24% with intent of you losing while in basic..

    Your weight for non tape is 179 so that is what you should shoot for..

    Not tested or approved but I have heard of people using prep h / saran wrap around waist for a day or two prior to shrink waist.. This at best would be a temp solution to a prob.

    When you get to basic.. choose your foods wisely, and drink fliuds( water) You will lose weight..
  • mlh29
    mlh29 Posts: 40
    also forgot to mention dropping weight if you are still over doesnt really matte in the equation they use.. if you are over the screening weight you are over, as long as you tape out you are good. You could be 220 with the waist and neck measurements 0r 181 with same measurements and it would give you the same result..
  • mlh29:

    My ship date wouldn't be, as of yesterday, until 30 April 2012. We're, my Recruiter and I, are doing it now so we can sign the contract and lock in my ship date. The longer I wait the longer the wait to ship. So by the time I get to basic I plan on being roughly around 170-180 pounds in those six months I have to wait to ship. Goal right now is that by the time I ship I can do:

    -Weight: 170-180 lbs.
    -Push Ups: 66 (in 2 minutes)
    -Sit Ups: 73 (in 2 minutes)
    -2 Mile Run: 13:54

    I had my brother (has a Bachelor's in Clinical Physiology) recommend to me: 60 minutes of cardio, strict 1100 calories/day, plus still lifting, for the next week and a half to drop those extra pounds. And the Prep H and Waist Band was also recommended by my Recruiter for the next week and a half.

    But there is a waiver available for this? Hard to get?
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    If you want to drop weight quickly all you can do is drop the waterweight really. There's the prep H things, Working out in a sauna suit (just make sure the gym doesn't find out, some don't allow it), sitting in a sauna, try to eliminate as much sodium as possible since it will make you retain water. I was also told to do cardio as well-more specifically running/jogging since most people burn more calories running than by using elliptical or any other cardio machine.

    The tape test is ridiculous. I'm about 3-4 lbs over still and I'm really sweating it, I have about a 12.5" neck, since I have a small neck I'll ne right on the edge of pass/fail-meanwhile some fatty with a double chin passes because of all their extra inches, plus there is just way too much room for human error when getting taped. At my last command they had me at 30% (down from 33% 6 mos earlier). Here, they taped me at 34% (with uniform on), but still.

    For food-cut out all prosessed, no extra sodium, try and eat on fresh fruits and vegetables, and for protein grilled chicken breast without a bunch of seasoning (try pepper, garlic, lemon-just not the salty stuff).

    But like mhl 29 said, whether you are taped or pass by the scale-you pass. When you're in boot the weight will come right off.
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