Judging Others



  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I am so glad someone finally spoke up on this. . . . oh, yeah, I just read 20 other threads just like this.

    By starting this thread, you are judging.
    At least 20. New Ones. Every day.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    of course there is no need to be rude, but differing opinions are what community forums are for. If you don't want to be disagreed with, don't post a topic, or a reply.

    On that note, "YOU'RE STUPID!" or "YOU'RE IDEA IS STUPID" is uncalled for. "I strongly disagree" should be sufficient.

    We all judge. Judge for yourself.

    I agree that we all make "judgements" and weigh things to see whether it is correct, or if it is a matter of opinion - how much or little we agree/disagree with it.

    The problem happens when people give unsolicited criticism, have an apparent* attitude of superiority, or make harsh 'judgements' without any indication of actually caring about the person in question. Tough love is great... but its not heartless.

    I was just adding on to what you said, not necessariliy disagreeing. In any case. Some people are more sensitive than others. Some enjoy sarcasm and getting another's goat. etc.