Gym Etiquette



  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    "My biggest problem at the gym, though, is with the few people who consistently do not wear sufficient clothing. No matter how hot you are at age 50, don't show up wearing hot pants and a sports bra. Shorts and a tank aren't that much more difficult...and a lot less distracting. I really think there should be a rule that you must have a shirt on/with you at all times."

    -TOTALLY AGREE - Just because you CAN wear it, doesn't necessarily mean that you SHOULD!

    Theres a lady at my gym that wears shorts and a sports top that cuts off a few inches below the chest...personally...I think she looks great...and it gives me see her wearing that...knowing thats what I'm working towards. Also...I don't really have enough time while I'm at the gym to pay attention to what everybodys each their own I say. I focus on me...not them

    That's all well and fine, but when they are on the treadmill directly in front of you, well there really isn't much choice now is there...I don't go to the gym and "gawk" at people, I don't have time or the desire, but when it's put in my face I can't help notice...I have no problems with people who wear appropriate clothing for their body type...frankly, I don't want to see anyone's thunder thighs, hail damage, and muffin top oozing out of a pair of tiny shorts and a tank top that is way too doesn't look me...I don't put my chunky junk on display, I would appreciate if others would take that into consideration...

    I agree! Lol, personally if someone can pull off the clothes, I have no issue with it, maybe it's really more comfortable for the person. But if you can't pull it off, don't wear it. I'm just saying that I've had some weird tan lines since taking up running and hope I'll be able to wear less to have fewer odd tan lines, but only once I can pull it off. I know we were talking about the gym... but the comfort thing still applies.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member

    That's all well and fine, but when they are on the treadmill directly in front of you, well there really isn't much choice now is there...I don't go to the gym and "gawk" at people, I don't have time or the desire, but when it's put in my face I can't help notice...I have no problems with people who wear appropriate clothing for their body type...frankly, I don't want to see anyone's thunder thighs, hail damage, and muffin top oozing out of a pair of tiny shorts and a tank top that is way too doesn't look me...I don't put my chunky junk on display, I would appreciate if others would take that into consideration...

    Sounds like a personal problem. I say, live and let live.

    Sometimes I take my shirt off when I'm sweating profusely on an intense treadmill session. It's hot as hell, and I value my comfort. Don't like it? I don't care...
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    My biggest pet peeve is when chicks (invariably it's girls that do this) go to the gym with their BFF and SIT and CHAT on the weight machines - I'm talking about 5 minute breaks in between sets of 10 reps!! WTF!!

    I see that all the time!

    in my experience this is usually young men.

    As a 'chick' i'm there to work, not pose or socialise.
  • sweetxsour35
    I dislike when people smell even before they start working out.

    I also dislike when people think it's okay to walk around the locker rooms half naked when the gym clearly provides dressing rooms.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member

    I also dislike when people think it's okay to walk around the locker rooms half naked when the gym clearly provides dressing rooms.

    Sounds like a. personal. problem.
  • sweetxsour35

    I also dislike when people think it's okay to walk around the locker rooms half naked when the gym clearly provides dressing rooms.

    Sounds like a. personal. problem.

    Did I offend you?
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member

    "Curls In a Squat Rack Guy" - There are only two squat racks and this guy takes up one to do curls. (I have my own prejudice against iso curls in the first place)

    Then there's this. This happened to me today! This guy stood right in front of the barbell rack, doing his curls, so I couldn't put my bb away. I stood to the side while he continued to rep away!! I mean seriously, you see me walking toward you with this thing...move your booty out of the way so I can put it back!!! COMMON COURTESY!!! :angry:
  • phechan3
    Although I wouldn't strut around in a sports bra myself, I understand why others would. Let's face it, more clothes equal less comfort when it comes to sweating up a storm. I really don't care about how others are dressed as long as all their goodies are covered at least. (I really don't want to sit on a bench if the lady before me had her cheeks hanging out- it's a sanitary thing.)

    And is it just me or is making negative comments about people and the clothes they are allowed to wear seem out of place in a site where so many are trying to lose weight?... ;;>_> Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and what may seem ugly to you may be a treasure to someone else.
  • spottedlee
    I HATE when people do not wipe of equipment after using it!!! It grosses me out sooooo bad. Haven't people heard of thing like MRSA and other bacterial infections. My gym makes it so easy to clean of the equipment. They provide pre-moistened wipes that can be found ALL over the gym. So I am forced to clean the machines before and after using them. I think that should be the number one in etiquette at the gym.
    Tell me about it! I got MRSA a few months ago and the only place I think I got it,, the gym! My doctor agreed. Thankfully, I think I got lucky,, only had it ONCE (this tends to come back) with help of THREE antibodics at once (two IV doses over 2 days plus 2 different oral antibodics over 14 days.)
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member

    Did I offend you?

    Not at all. I just think you have a personal problem if you can't handle people being nude in a locker room. Wth did you do in high school? It's just human bodies, after all.

    Also, I've never been to a gym that had dressing rooms INSIDE the locker room. That just seems redundant.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member

    Tell me about it! I got MRSA a few months ago and the only place I think I got it,, the gym! My doctor agreed. Thankfully, I think I got lucky,, only had it ONCE (this tends to come back) with help of THREE antibodics at once (two IV doses over 2 days plus 2 different oral antibodics over 14 days.)

    Be thankful you are not a wrestler (or dating a wrestler). They are religious about sanitation in the gym and on the mats, and they still end up with ring worm and MRSA ALL the time. It's so aggravating. My bf has had both. This latest bout of ringworm has been completely obnoxious, but (touch wood) I've never gotten either from being in close contact with him.
  • sweetxsour35

    Did I offend you?

    Not at all. I just think you have a personal problem if you can't handle people being nude in a locker room. Wth did you do in high school? It's just human bodies, after all.

    Also, I've never been to a gym that had dressing rooms INSIDE the locker room. That just seems redundant.

    I guess I would be classified as a prude to some people. And in high school, I changed in the dressing rooms that we had. I don't change in front of other people.
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    Listen, yesterday I had the freak of all freaks next to me in spinning. He was sweating like I have never seen anyone sweat. Then he proceeded to sway his head from side to side (Stevie Wonder style) as we were climbing. I swear his sweat was flying everywhere. I was so going to go off on him if it landed on me. Good for you guy, for getting into your workout but keep that **** over there and away from me!

    This is one of the reasons I do spinning at home on my own bike. I mean, I work up a good sweat when I'm working out with weights, but I have a towel and I have rests, so no problem. But when I'm spinning the sweat literally runs off me like I'm under a shower. No-one deserves to be near me when I'm like that!

    Besides, when I'm at home I can do it without a shirt, which is also a bonus.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    My gym is pretty relaxed, but thankfully cell phone conversations almost never happen.
    Its also in a relatively conservative suburb so people tend to be middle aged, neat, clean and polite.
  • KBjimAZ
    KBjimAZ Posts: 369 Member
    This entire thread puts into words why I workout in my garage. But for those of you who don't have that luxury, remember: in the locker room the naked person has the right of way!
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Be thankful you are not a wrestler (or dating a wrestler). They are religious about sanitation in the gym and on the mats, and they still end up with ring worm and MRSA ALL the time. It's so aggravating. My bf has had both. This latest bout of ringworm has been completely obnoxious, but (touch wood) I've never gotten either from being in close contact with him.

    Oh my gawd! Stop! My teenager just started wrestling this year. He's already had impetigo. I get so squicked out about that stuff, Blech! :sick:
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    Wow! I just started but I go to a gym a few weeks ago that has rules and they are enforced .
    No jeans
    No sandels.
    Must be properly covered.
    No Loud Grunting
    No Loud Talking
    Clean your equipment!
    No one under 18.
    Several others but would go too long.
    I have had a great experience so far.
    We also have a women's workout room and dressing rooms connected to the showers.
    I have never had to wait for equipment, even in the smaller women's room.
    Hope it stays that way. I don't mind sweat but coming in stinking is NOT OK! It's all about respect for others.
  • NorthRiver
    NorthRiver Posts: 35 Member

    I went to a gym where this guy would do this with EVERY SINGLE weight he lifted. I would be quietly exercising on the treadmill and then all of a sudden hear this loud crashing sound because he would drop the weight bar. It honestly isn't safe for him to do that because not only could he drop that on his toes, but he could give someone a panic attack because of the sound. I almost fell off the treadmill a couple of times because it scared me. And this wasn't Planet Fitness.

    I had a special 'friend' like that once... At least once a week this guy would be doing deadlifts and overhead presses with a really heavy barbell. He practiced his form without a weight about 5 times, then took the bar, heaved it up, and SLAMMED it back down on the floor with all the might he had in him. He didn't just drop it, he put the whole power of the universe into driving that 500 pound thing to the core of the earth. And EVERY time, even when I'd been watching him and anticipating the sound, my heart would jump and sting for at least a minute afterwards. It was just that scary. Every time he was there, I'd walk out of the gym not relaxed and refreshed, but full of rage. ARGGG.

    The first time I saw him I saw another guy come up to him and ask him if that was really necessary, but he just put on a really arrogant expression and said he was training for a competition and any other way of putting the weight down would seriously jeopardize his health. Yeah. Right. Hope you crush your toes one day.
  • Raf702
    Raf702 Posts: 196 Member
    I really think people should be given a gym etiquette memo when they join a gym. Maybe its just me but i really wish people would put deodorant before they go to the gym and they should know not to talk on their phones for long periods of time while exercising. i don't want to hear the happenings of your life lol

    Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels this way :)

    Unfortunately some people are just born with strong body odor. Deodorant can only do so much to mask the stench. The smell comes from the sweat pores in our skin. If people noticed their own body odor, and took care of it a bit better. I'm sure the gym wouldn't smell as bad, lol.

    Talking on the phone is quite annoying depending how long. If its more than a minute, go outside or something, lol. Or when someone is on the phone in between their sets resting and hogging up the equipment.

    There's A LOT of gym etiquettes that are on my pet peeve list.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    There's A LOT of gym etiquettes that are on my pet peeve list.

    Can we discuss these, while I curl in the squat cage?