I'm scared I'll fall and knock my teeth out



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    I'm afraid of people who think they know how to drive fast.
  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    although I've never done this or even come close to doing it, I'm so scared it will happen!

    I'm also scared that when I'm using the garbage disposal, a piece of metal will fly out and stab me in the eye. I don't think anything has ever flown out of my garbage disposal and reached the height of my head, but I'm still scared of it happening.

    Tell me about your irrational fears!

    Ever scared your hand will get sucked down the garbage disposal?
  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    I actually don't have any irrational fears. That, among other things, makes me one of the most uninteresting people ever invented.

    Maybe secretly, you are irrationally afraid of irational fears and you just won't admit it????

    Used to be afraid the plane I am on will just fall out of the sky.... I mean it is really heavy... how can air hold it up... that makes no sence...... but I have put it in God's hands, He is in control.
  • GymRatRaceRunner
    GymRatRaceRunner Posts: 160 Member
    I'm scared of people who are afraid of stupid sh|t...lol j/k

    What do you call having a phobia of people who have phobias?

    Phoboanthropophobia <--- the fear of fearful people (my own word)

    That's what I have!
  • JoJo_fat2fab
    JoJo_fat2fab Posts: 297 Member
    OMG "I'm scared I'll fall and knock my teeth out" is my biggest fear, there are days that I actually feel myself falling and knocking all my teeth out, sometimes I will dream that my teeth just fall out. I'm so weird about teeth, maybe 'cause I worked with a dentist for over 5 years. :-/
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I'm scared of moths. I don't know why....but they scare the crap out of me!!

    Moth- the butterfly's ugly, twitchy cousin ... Blech!

    I'm scared of home intruders or fires. My husband is an insomniac so when he does sleep, he's like a snoring corpse. So I think, do I keep trying to wake him or just run for the kids, and which one do I go for first? Their bedrooms are on either end of the hall. If it's an intruder, what do I use as a weapon? My lamp is cast iron, but it's awkward. Should I keep my pocketknife by the bed...
    Seriously. Someone tell my brain to stop overplanning for crises and go to sleep.
  • beeny83
    beeny83 Posts: 61
    I'm scared of engine rooms, I mean I'm petrified of them like the scene in Titanic when there in the engine room and the pistons are going round and round, well it physically makes me sick and almost brings me to tears.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Spiders. IMHO, im only afraid of things like tarantulas, which honestly, is not that irrational, but thinking about them makes me squirm, Had to check my ceiling while typing this
  • branflake5
    I am afraid to drive behind trucks that have logs, poles, basically anything that can come flying off and impale me or squish me. I always change lanes and pass them as quickly as possible.

    Also terrified of spiders and insects although I can tolerate lightening bugs lol.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I actually don't have any irrational fears. That, among other things, makes me one of the most uninteresting people ever invented.

    Maybe secretly, you are irrationally afraid of irational fears and you just won't admit it????

    No, I have no trouble admitting to things. I truly have no irrational fears. My fears are low-level and rational. Meaning, any fears I have actually do occur regularly in reality (high heights, for example), but I'm not scared enough to avoid them or think about them unless they're presented to me and I actually have to deal with them in the moment.