IUD removed ravished, and dropping weight???



  • UphillBattleAxe
    UphillBattleAxe Posts: 57 Member
    I do believe everyone reacts differently to the Mirena, the upside for me was NO periods or pain and no chance of getting pregnant again. The downsides were I gained weight roughly 7lbs for me in 6 weeks and felt "puffy" the whole time. I also developed acne over the first 6 weeks that lasted the whole time I had Mirena....just what you need when you're turning 40!!

    Had Mirena removed last year since then my skin has cleared and I managed to shift that 7lbs without diet or exercise that just would not budge and am now well on the road to losing more with MFP.

    However, I do have friends with Mirena who have not experienced the negatives I did :-)
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    Doctors swear up and down that there is absolutely no correlation between birth control and weight but anecdotally there seems to be a lot of disagreement. From me, too. I plateaued for a really long time but now that I've stopped taking the pill it's coming off again.

    I mean, it makes sense. BC stops you from cycling, which means there's one less thing for energy (calories) to be expended on . It doesn't make a huge difference but it only makes sense your BMR would be higher without it than with it
    I had a great doctor who told me that she went to a conference about birth control and was told that weight gain with the combined pill was negligible, only 7 - 10lb for most people. She said she wanted to hit the doctor that said this (a male doctor of course) because 7 -10lb is quite a big deal to most women and some people find they gain more than that! I guess it's all in the wording. If weight gain is said to be negligible (7 -10 is NOT negligible in my book!) then it gets interpreted as "birth control doesn't cause weight gain". Everyone is different, some don't gain but some gain quite a bit.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Interesting. I go to the doctor (ughhhhhhh hate the yearly check-ups) tomorrow, and I'm going to bring this up. I have the Mirena and things have been completely out of whack for me since I got it.

    Edit: omg I can't spell to save my life today.