Not a Morning Person



  • hwilliams519
    So for those of you who do get up early to work out, do you get up the same time on the weekends? I like to sleep in on the weekends, even though I don't always get to. For example, on a normal work day, I get up around 6:40-7am. On the weekends I prefer to sleep to 9 when I can.

    But at the same time, I'm sure it would be better to be more consistent. Maybe if I had a better routine I wouldn't feel like I need to sleep in on the weekend.

    Not a chance! I sleep as long as I want to on the weekends. I get up at 4:30 am during the week. I figure the weekends are my time and I will fit my workout in at some point throughout the day. If I can, I still workout when I wake up - but that may be 8:30 - 9:00 am. I love getting out of bed at my own pace on Saturday and Sunday :)

    Like! That makes me feel better!
  • falsecho
    falsecho Posts: 81 Member
    Change your mindset of not being able to get up in the morning. Every morning make the choice to get up early and workout. Go to bed earlier (which will take care of itself once you are getting up in the morning)

    I am a reformed night person. I hated getting up early. When I decided that I wanted to get healthy, the only time to workout was first thing in the morning. It's hard. Every morning I make the choice of staying in bed or getting up. When I choose to stay in bed, my furkids remind me that is the wrong choice, and I have to get up anyway to let them do their business. :-)
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Go to bed earlier so you will want to get up. Determination to just do it and get into a different pattern helps.