Just Started - with a long way to go!


Today is day 4 of my long journey. I need to lose about 130 pounds. My plan..... just go one day at a time. I've read so many inspring stories here and hope to be one of them one day soon.


  • mochama12487
    mochama12487 Posts: 130 Member
    I have been here quite some time and weight loss has been real slow for me. Add me if you would like someone who tries to be supportive on other's journeys. Good luck!
  • rissyroo2002
    rissyroo2002 Posts: 71 Member
    Welcome!! Feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck and you CAN do it!
  • Taking it one day at a time is the ultimate key! :)
  • ameyc2002
    ameyc2002 Posts: 247 Member
    welcome i hope this site will help you there is plenty of support and encouragement. add me if you like

    good luck
  • mssgirl11
    mssgirl11 Posts: 99 Member
    Good luck and sounds like you have the right game plan!
  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    welcome.... and good luck:flowerforyou:
  • jdtruman
    jdtruman Posts: 2 Member
    Good luck with your weight loss. I just stated really trying today, as well, and it's a bit daunting!!!
  • Bellini500
    Bellini500 Posts: 60 Member
    Good luck! Fell free to add me as a friend if you need support. I have managed to lose 21lbs so far, but I honestly would not have done that well without the love and support I get from my pals.
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    One day at a time! That's the key! I started this MFP journey earlier in the year, but gave up three months ago as I was discouraged that the progress wasn't as fast as I'd have liked. Restarted just over a week ago (having put on all I lost and more :-( ) but this time I am determined to stick at it. I too am now decided to take it one day at a time, and to celebrate even the small successes. Feel free to add me as a friend, and we can encourage each other!
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    If you want you can add me, and we can help each other stick to it!
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    welcome. You will love it here. One day at a time is the key and remember some days are better than others. Good luck!!
  • Hello, I am new here also, and like you, I have a long long way to go. I also need to loose about 100 to 125 pounds...and like you said, one day at a time. We can do this. I think this is a great place to help us stay motivated and cheer us on...you can add me as a friend if you like. Best of luck to you.
  • jackibailey
    jackibailey Posts: 206 Member
    Hi! You can add me if you like. I have been here for six months and have lost 75 pounds. 75+ more to go. We can cheer each other on.
  • nic1976
    nic1976 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi! Welcome to MFP :) I have started back here again 3 weeks ago & like you have a long way to go but I know I can do it. I have met some amazing people on here who offer great support & motivation - that really does help when I'm doubting myself. At times it's hard but I'm taking it one day at a time & already I can see changes.

    You can do this! You have the right idea! Add me as a friend if you like

    Good luck on your journey :)
  • Hi everyone!

    My name is Sandy from Kansas. I have been on sooooo many diets. Looking forward to meeting new friends on here and giving and getting support from others. Please feel free to add me as a friend. Today is day 1 for me and I have a long way to go - but will take one day at a time! :)
  • skippy64
    skippy64 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to this website/forum but am on caloriecount.com and it has really helped me so I figure adding this one might give me a boost. I have been overweight my entire life and dieted as long. My highest wt was 308 but have been in the 260-280 range most of my adult life. I finally got in gear and started walking last fall and lost about 30 lb without really watching what I was eating. It gave me such an incentive that I figured then was the time to watch what I ate and really get in gear. I have lost 80 lb by doing it 1 day at a time. Obviously, we are all human and have bad days. No one is harder on me than me!! I get so down on myself if I screw up and eat something I shouldn't and then when I do I don't just eat one I eat the whole bag. I did well until June 2011 and decided to take the summer off.....big mistake. I gained 10 lb back, but if I had kept up with it I would be closer to my goal of 150. I am currently 191.2. I HATE exercise but know I have to walk about 30 minutes a few times a week to lose. I'm older now so it is even harder to lose. Hopefully we can all help one another on the forum.
  • tannyb
    tannyb Posts: 131 Member
    I've been here about six months and the support and encouragement is tremendous - you will love it here! Feel free to add me if you like. I still have a long way to go as well (probably 100+, we'll see when we get there), but have enjoyed some success with this awesome community on MFP!!! Good luck to you on your journey!
  • Hi and welcome!
  • denisegolden
    denisegolden Posts: 206 Member
    well howdy! welcome to mfp, you will find having these particular tools available are very helpful, but something even more important, you will find a great amount of support here. and it sounds like you have a good game plan, one day at a time is the best mindset to have!
  • Remember that every journey begins with a single step and you are making a wonderful effort by starting. You say you would like to lose 130, go ahead and break that down into multiple goals. And when you reach a certain goal, treat yourself to something and have your 130 pound weight loss your ultimate goal. Good luck and stay strong :)