Those with significant others...



  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    My boyfriend never asked, but when weight started creeping up and I weighed more than him, I told him. He didn't make a big deal about it, and I didn't think he would. I knew I was going to get healthier, and he's very proud I've lost the weight I told him I would.
  • allie_000
    My boyfriend knows how much I weigh but I was hesitant to tell him because he's pretty tall and thin. But he realizes that I have a tall, athletic frame and certainly has no issue with that! I'd encourage you to tell him if you want to. I was scared at first but now I just look back on it and laugh!
  • tebbs915
    tebbs915 Posts: 133 Member
    honestly, my boyfriend has no idea how much i weight. he knows what my successes are and what my failures are. probably more so than i list on here. but he's supportive no matter what. tells me i don't need to lose weight. tells me i'm beautiful no matter what.

    i think it helps though, when we're together. he'll always compliment me in ways that make me feel better. for instance, when we're getting ready for a date or a night on the couch, he'll look at me and say "damn girl. you been workin out??" and it always makes me smile :bigsmile:

    i don't think weight is something to hide, i just never have been comfortable telling people what i weigh. i dont' mind sharing how much i've lost. that's just me though!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    My hubby had no clue I weighed so much, he was a bit shocked actually. He knew I was overweight of course but he would always say "you're not fat, you're just chunky". Love really is blind - at 260, I was a lot more than chunky!

    On the other side of the coin, he had no clue about goal weights either. The reason my start weight came up is that I told him my goal was to lose 100 pounds, which would get me to 160. He then responds "why don't you shoot for 120?". I couldn't help but laugh at that one! Considering my height and build, I'd be skin and bones and he'd be totally turned off.

    It's cute when they're clueless... :)
  • mutzzy
    mutzzy Posts: 23
    I told my husband when I was pregnant with my 2nd son. I weighed more at the time and I needed to be accountable to someone so I wouldn't gain too much weight. It was really hard- I had NEVER told anyone my weight before. I carry my weight really well and weigh much more than anyone would guess. Now it is nice that it is not a secret and I can be honest about it with him. We have even tried some weight loss challenges with each other. (whoever lost the most weight in a week got to ask a favor from the other person- it was pretty funny- he wanted sex- I just wanted an afternoon of quiet- men!)

    Go for it- he will love you anyway!