Question for Runners


So I started running in the spring and my long runs now are about 5-6 miles. I went on a long run using the treadmill yesterday, and afterwards I noticed that my lower abs were pretty sore. It's the first time its happened, and I thought it was somewhat odd. Does anyone know what's going on?

Hope you all have a super duper day!


  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    It takes a little more core strength to run on the tmill than the typical street where balance is concerned. Go run some quirky trails to fully develop those supportive muscles.
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    I notice the more I focus on my posture while running or my breathing, I can feel it in my core/abs (I run outdoors). It's normal and just means you probably need to do more core exercises to strengthen that area if it's really sore.
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Thanks guys! That makes sense.