Calling all Mom's of 4 or more kids

chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
edited October 3 in Motivation and Support
I have 5 total, and I know it can be hard to find time to eat right and workout. Not to mention lack of motivation because people just expect those of us with more than 2-3 kids to be fatter than the rest of society, so they give us a break. Well, I want to start a group for us to talk about the challenges and benefits and how we are overcoming our obstacles and staying dedicated.

Let me start:

I am Chantel, 35 years old with 5 kids from 2 Dad's. My BF is the father to my 17 month old, and my ex husband is the father of my other 4. We share custody, so they are back and forth a lot. I am a SAHM, so it is helpful to me as I can find time to work out a lot easier than working mom's. My biggest challenge is finding healthy foods that the kids will eat. Their Dad feeds them mostly frozen foods. :-( So they don't care much for healthy home cooked meals! Grrr!!!

I look forward to adding friends on this thread!


  • horsepullerlovesme
    horsepullerlovesme Posts: 228 Member
    mother of 8
  • hjfischer
    hjfischer Posts: 250
    I am Heather, 38 years old, 4 kids. I work full time and my husband works part time, staying home during the day with the younger 2. I run at lunch almost every day of the work week. Unfortunately, my work schedule causes me to have to travel so that messes with my work outs and eating healthy. My husband knows about good nutrition, he just doesn't force the kids to eat that great, so it comes down on me to fix dinners, weekend meals that are well rounded. But shoot, I am exhausted all the time and have a list a mile long of the things I need to do. It is a struggle.

    I love running, it is my thing and I never give up a weekend run. My husband is very supportive of that. I had 4 c-sections and just stopped nursing my 13 month old. I am at my 'goal' weight, but now realize that I need to work at getting some of this fat off and build some good muscle!

  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    Hi, Chantal! I only have two, but a meal that we really enjoy is homemade pizza. I make the dough in my breadmaker (but it's not hard to make by hand). That eliminates a lot of the high fructose stuff and preservatives in the store-bought dough. My kids love to spread the tomato sauce on, and sprinkle the cheese. I have veggies (and turkey pepperoni) in little bowls, and encourage them to put them on. My son can be a little reluctant, and HATES onions. I can usually talk him into some grape tomatoes, cut up. We then top it with mozz and feta cheese. It's one of the few ways that I can easily get veggies into them.

    The other go-to for me is soup. Homemade chicken noodle (with carrots, celery, and onions- don't tell my son!) goes down well with both of them. :-)
  • sj77xx
    sj77xx Posts: 7
    Hey im a mom of 5 too my youngest daughter is ten months now :) and my eldest is my 14 year old son im also a stay at home mom and my partner works away from home in the week so it can be challenging sometimes. Loving this site too xx
  • KerriMx5
    KerriMx5 Posts: 458 Member
    We have five. Our children range in age from 20-2. Time is a big issue for me as I am the only one that drives (the girls don't) and my husband has a job that involves a lot of travel. I do it on my own. I try to plan our meals ahead of time. I throw in a few things they like. A few healthier nights and it all evens out. Getting me time and workout time if my biggest struggle. Some days are better then others but I am working on getting a system in place.
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    yes I have 4 kids from ages 15 to 6 months. All from my husband who ive been with for 16 years. It is so hard to not eat when Im in the kitchen so much! Im also a SAHM since i had my last I really want to be there for her all the time. I also found out I had hyperthyoidism after I had my daughter that was the cause of me not losing my baby weight as planned! ( usually people with hyperthyroidism lose weight but some gain weight) This was the first time i actually had a "problem" with my weight and it was not just me thinking "Im fat"! I gained 45 lbs. with the pregnancy and only lost 12 lbs. 2 months later ( she weighed 8.5 lbs!) So I was very upset! Since MFP I lost 11 lbs. more (It took 3 months) but I did lose several inches this month. So I need to lose 23 lb or so. But Im really looking to get toned, lower my body fat to a good level, and like what I see when I look in the mirror. Im 5'7 medium framed and very pale so I do look heavier than a tanned person! I so wish I was tan , like my husband and kids! I do strength training, some Beachbody DVD's , and am hoping to "run" when I get my treadmill! I quit smoking a year ago and since then I love the taste of food! I would love to have friends with kids, who are not satisfied with hearing " For having 4 kids you look good" having kids had nothing to do with me overeating (well maybe a little) I want to look good period!
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    I hear ya Bridget! No more slack just cuz we've got a bunch of kids! My body is not ruined, and I don't want to look like a frumpy house-wife! When people hear I have 5 kids, I want them to be blown away! ;-) Besides that, maybe then my BF will quit pointing out the perfect butt when we are in town! Alright already, I got the hint! I think I wanna blow him away too, and he can have all the bragging rights!
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