Did you get treated differently after losing weight?



  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    I am no where near too skinny (I'm 5'5 and 135lbs), I still have some fatty tissue in all the normal areas a woman has probs with....what I'm saying is I know I am not anywhere close to an unhealthy weight and in denial and need my family to step in. I'm just trying to be stronger and healthier, not skinny.

    It looks like you're medium to small boned, your weight and height are definitely not skinny. Lol, I'm about the same height and am aiming for about 135. It's a really healthy attitude you have, good for you!

    I haven't really lost enough to make most people realize it, but a friend that I hadn't seen in a while asked if I'd lost weight, so that was nice.

    My family is mostly supportive. When I took up running though, my dad wasn't terribly much of anything, kinda listens politely. He seems to worry that I'm over doing it, but I've carefully worked through the C25k and B210k programs. If I'm not achy then I go for a run, but make sure I have a rest day once a week. It's really my only form of exercise. I don't think I'm over doing it. I just wish he'd be more supportive, but at least he's not negative.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    I am looking forward to being able to answer this question more fully in a year or so... :wink:
    One of the downsides of being tall, and being so very fat to start with, is that even an almost-40-lb loss isn't that noticeable. YET...

    My dream is to get down to a size 12 or so and walk into a Victoria's Secret store. I went looking for a nice robe a couple of years ago, and the saleslady came over & asked what I was looking for, then (when she found out it was for me, not for someone else) she told me "we don't have anything for you." It was like that awful scene in "Pretty Woman." Somehow the lady managed to look down her nose at me even though I towered over her. So when I get thinner, I will go back to that store, make them show me a bunch of stuff, and then tell them, "I'm sorry, I could never buy anything here" and explain exactly why. I had similar experiences in quite a few stores, but Victoria's Secret was the worst.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    haha well the guys I dated got hotter thats for sure haha, but my family and friends still treat me the same
  • there are plenty of haters in my arena.....more haters than supporters. even my own mom thinks i am "taking it too far" WTF

    what's wrong with wanting to be comfortable in my own skin?
  • My family said their "congrats" but then they started treating me as if I have no idea what they go through bc I'm "skinny." I was bigger than any of them, the difference is I refused to stay that way. They complain about being too big but when I offer to help them they r like " no we like to EAT not starve ourselves" I wish they could see that what I do isn't starving myself at all its being healthy.

    i get that from my family, too. good thing they live far away. i only have to see them once a year lol
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    Wellll.... After I lost weight some people became pretty rude to me and started making comments like "I need to eat a burger" and "I am too skinny" but on the other hand... I am treated better I think by others because my overall confidence in myself has went up :)
  • miam4nia
    miam4nia Posts: 137 Member
    that is just heartbreaking to hear that some people have family members who are so negative about weight loss...it really helps to have people around you who support what you're doing, or at least don't openly not support it....
    it's also sad that some friends act jealous or react negatively to your weight loss, when they should be happy that you're getting into a healthier lifestyle and just doing something good for yourself.

    In some ways the more guys hitting on you is a good thing, but i've always wondered that, if people who have lost weight were hit on by more people, would they start being bitter about it? feeling like their only self worth is their looks?
    I read somewhere that someone felt this way, (i think on some mfp blog), and that they felt like they lost the ability to see people for who they really are.
    when you're ignored, or just not taken so seriously by people, and then you lose weight and they start paying attention....i just don't know how i would react to that but i'm sure i wouldn't be feeling too good about it.
  • cedarhurst2006
    cedarhurst2006 Posts: 378 Member
    My family applauds my dedication and my friends are huge motivators. People who haven't seen me in awhile have no clue it's me. I have had a long conversation with an acquaintance and they had no clue till the end who I was. It's really kind of funny.

    Strangers are more friendly and inviting. No more of "those" looks I used to get when trying to sit in a booth, or shop for clothes.