Is it wrong to aim for 2lbs weight loss a week?



  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    when it comes to calories, i set my MFP setting to losing 1 lb per week, and i end up losing 2lbs/week. maybe it's because i'm more active than i think i am, but the more calories i eat, the more i lose.

    as for having a "goal", it's not wrong, but don't push yourself too hard. i'd stick with small changes that you can keep up with forever. you're body's gonna do what it feels like, so just be healthy, and the weight will come off how it wants to.

    I was the same... Always lost more than mfp predicted... Maybe our tummies are tardis-like :laugh:

    I think 2lb is just fine. It's when people have lost 6lb a week or more for ages that their bodies just won't let them up their calories to a normal level without piling on the pounds.