Whats your routine? Put yourself first? The kids first?



  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Everyone is making wonderful suggestions. I hope you can find one that is right for you. I found that I had to be very organized and dedicated. I would get up early or stay up late to get things done. I did help a freind of mine with three kids and we actually set up a schedule for her. It works pretty good most days. There are alwasy going to be "those days" when nothing gets done. Hope you find a good balance.

    Good luck.
  • KatFierce
    KatFierce Posts: 252 Member
    I have a DS 2 yrs and DS 1 month, I wake up,get DS2 out of his room and into mine, get myself dressed, get DS2 dressed , head downstairs, get DS1month dressed . Then I turn on a show and get DS2 yrs some breakfast, sit down to nurse the baby.
    Then I brush my teeth,wash face etc. while the coffee is brewing and DS2 is eating.
    Then we play toys, while I have my coffee and instant oatmeal.
    Then DS2 has free play time while I tidy up a bit, and nurse the baby as he needs. We get ready and take a walk , come home for snack time. Then DS2 goes down for nap, I have a salad or something and nurse DS1month, then pop in an excercise dvd or hop on the treadmill while the baby sleeps in the pack and play or goes in his swing.
    I then shower if DS2 isnt up yet and pick up the house alittle. Then its lunch for DS2 while I figure out dinner. Then its outisde play time or a project or we bake something.
    Then I put a show on for DS2 and cook dinner while he watches and plays. We eat and then I give him a tubby(every other day as he has sensitive skin) and get him ready for bed. Once hes in bed I pick up a bit and then pop in a yoga dvd and after that I relzx with the baby. DS1month nurses on demand so thats probably the biggest obstacle to my workouts.
    I steal a few mins here and there to quickly do makeup or change my outfit, before DH comes home.
    Hope this helps. Kiddos always come first but if they are occupied I steal a few minutes for me
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    i think it's possible to make time be both theirs and yours.... like playing with kids at the park *is* getting a work out in. Teaching them to help out in the kitchen *is* play for them if you make it fun.... too often we make it a false dichotomy in our own minds that we have to choose....

    and sometimes we do have to choose...So when you need a shower, plop them down with a tv show! I think that when mothers put themselves last, they teach their children, especially their daughters, to put themselves last. We don't want our children to grow up thinking everyone is more important than them (or alternatively that they are more important than everyone else). I think good parenting is showing them that mom takes care of herself too.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I wake up way before my 2 yo and exercise when I exercise in the morning. He's always fed and cared for before I care and feed myself (but "care" include the use of day care, child watch at the gym, and babysitters when necessary to get a work out in), but that's mainly because I like to sit with him while he eats and then eat at my own pace in the peace and quiet after he goes to bed at night.