Is it worth it? To buy or not to buy??

So I am getting into the buzz about p90x so my question is it really worth it? It is a little expensive so I have been hesitant to buy it. Can anyone who has been though the 90 or somewhat through it give me some advise....also what is the workout schedule like? Thanks in advance :happy:


  • marisa0918
    So I am getting into the buzz about p90x so my question is it really worth it? It is a little expensive so I have been hesitant to buy it. Can anyone who has been though the 90 or somewhat through it give me some advise....also what is the workout schedule like? Thanks in advance :happy:
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I LOVED P90X when I did it.
    It's roughly about an hour workout a day (which I struggled to dedicate that amount of time).
    If you REALLY want to mix things up and are able to fit it in and stick with it. It's totally amazing!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm doing it now and it's amazing!!!! I would recommend it to anyone and everyone! :drinker: There are a couple beachbody coaches on here that will probably chime in soon with some details.
  • fjtcjt
    fjtcjt Posts: 199
    I did 90 days of it. Depending on your fitness level I would recommend it or P90. I come from an athletic back ground and was in OK shape before starting and found the workouts to be quite difficult. The results were great and I enjoyed them, but definately not for everyone. I don't know for sure because I have never done it, but I believe P90 is easier and the workouts are shorter. This might be a good place to start if you can't commit an hour a day or if you are not sure you are ready for the extreme workout. P90X will definately work if you can handle it. Like most things, if you workout hard for an hour a day, you will see progress no matter what the program is.
  • psyknife
    psyknife Posts: 487 Member
    There are a couple beachbody coaches on here that will probably chime in soon with some details.
    ... and I am one of those ;)

    It is TOTALLY worth it!
    When it comes down to it... P90X is like having a personal trainer and a nutrition advisor in a box.... heheh. You get a full fitness guide and a full nutrition guide... both are FULL of great information (so if you get it, read these... all the way).
    It comes with 12 DVDs... when you break it down like that it's a steal! That means it's about $10 per DVD, when you break it down, and that's if you don't even include the books!

    I love the program... if you get it, though, be willing to commit to it... results come with hard work and a time commitment to do it. It'll be hard at first and you will likely have to modify, but don't let that get you down, because the more you do it, the stronger you get and the more endurance you develop.
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    There are a couple beachbody coaches on here that will probably chime in soon with some details.
    ... and I am one of those ;)

    It is TOTALLY worth it!
    When it comes down to it... P90X is like having a personal trainer and a nutrition advisor in a box.... heheh. You get a full fitness guide and a full nutrition guide... both are FULL of great information (so if you get it, read these... all the way).
    It comes with 12 DVDs... when you break it down like that it's a steal! That means it's about $10 per DVD, when you break it down, and that's if you don't even include the books!

    I love the program... if you get it, though, be willing to commit to it... results come with hard work and a time commitment to do it. It'll be hard at first and you will likely have to modify, but don't let that get you down, because the more you do it, the stronger you get and the more endurance you develop.

    do you recommend it for weight loss or is it more for strength???...i still need to lose 40 lbs
  • marisa0918
    Sooo I am really thinking about starting it. Once I buy the DVD's what else do I need? I think I read that I need the pull up bar, weights, and resistance that right??
  • psyknife
    psyknife Posts: 487 Member
    You need either:

    A.) Resistance bands, or
    B.) Free weights

    For the strength exercises... you will need varying weights... just one set won't cut it.

    For pull-ups you'll need either:

    A.) A pull-up bar (the P90X one is great, and there are plenty available at sports stores as well... even Target)
    B.) Resistance bands w/B-lines upgrade kit (comes w/door attachment) so that you can do pull-downs (works the same muscles)

    I'd also recommend a good yoga mat (sticky mat) and a good pair of shoes (because Plyo can be high impact if you choose to make it so... gotta land soft).

    nicole - P90X isn't really designed for weight loss, rather, it's designed for fat loss... but that doesn't mean people won't lose weight on it, because they do (I know people who have lose over 100 lbs. doing it)... if you do P90X, however, do NOT skimp on calories, because you'll need 'em for energy... so eating those exercise calories will become VERY important!
  • marisa0918
    Thanks for the reply! One more questions since I noticed your answer to Nicole. Right now I still have some extra weight to lose sooo would it be a good time to start p90x or should I keep doing cardio, lose some weight then hit p90x?

    On a side note I looked at your pics and right now my body is where your before was....You are a complete inspiration! I seriously can not wait to look like the after! lol You look great!
  • psyknife
    psyknife Posts: 487 Member
    You know, it's really hard to say... I know a guy who started P90X at over 250 lbs... now he weights about 160... and he did that all with P90X and he looks GREAT! So, that being said... I do not believe you have to be already thin to do P90X.

    If all you do right now is cardio, then P90X is going to be a shock to the system... and you may gain a little weight at first (read the recent article at to see why this happens when people start strength training)... BUT, lifting weights has sooooo many benefits, and that initial weight gain will taper off by the 3rd week or so... so, no worries!
    By lifting weights you will be strengthening not only your muscles, but your bones (very important for us ladies), and by building lean muscle mass you will be speeding up your metabolism (which will make fat burn/weight loss easier).
    P90X definitely isn't a fluff program, though, like I said... so if you choose to do it... then DO IT :)

    Also, P90X isn't really designed to be a major "bulking" program, so I wouldn't worry about that... it creates muscles and leans you out... if followed properly.

    Lastly, keep in mind that most of the workouts are about 1 hr. long... so you''ll need to be ready to commit to that amount of time each day.

    However, if that is too much time, you may seriously want to look into the ChaLEAN Extreme program (I've started that one recently and it's great for building muscle and strength and burning fat, but most workouts are about 35 minutes long or shorter!).
  • licia67
    licia67 Posts: 109
    So I am getting into the buzz about p90x so my question is it really worth it? It is a little expensive so I have been hesitant to buy it. Can anyone who has been though the 90 or somewhat through it give me some advise....also what is the workout schedule like? Thanks in advance :happy:

    I have done 3 rounds of P90X, and I absolutely love the program!
    I highly recommend it and ALL of BeachBody programs, nutrition supplements message boards...
    all of these tools combined have totally changed my life