Can't believe I'm obese



  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    Obese is a label defined by human beings, not a natural category that exists out there in the real world. It's been concocted by the government, which changed the standard in 1998 making the percent obese in this country jump from 15% to 37%. By this new standard, a lot of sports figures qualify as obese. See:

    As is pointed out in the above article (and as noted by Madroch), the standard BMI calculation doesn't take into account muscle mass ... which means it counts more than 50% of NFL players as obese.
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    #1 - Obese truly is one of the ugliest words in the English language as far as I'm concerned. I much prefer Rubenesque - you're in France, so definitely go with that! And remember, it's just a word, just like your weight is just a number, it doesn't define you - unless you let it.
    #2 - Mind your words - calling yourself a fat ugly cow is NOT helpful to anything. The words you use truly affect your mindset and a positive attitude makes a world of difference when you're trying to lose weight and get healthy.
    #3 - Baby steps. Don't dive in headfirst and try to cut your calories too much too fast. Gradually ween yourself down to a level you can maintain. Start by eating more veggies and trying to get lots of fibre to help keep you full. Cut down your portion sizes and try to start moving a little bit each day then work yourself up to a little more vigorous workout when you can fit it in.
    #4 - With two small babes in the house, it might be tough to get out of the house to exercise, so find workout dvds you can use at home and get a good stroller so you can take them for long walks.
    #5 - Track everything you eat and be honest about it - you're only hurting yourself by 'cheating'.
    #6 - Don't be afraid to cheat! Allow yourself a day a week when you can eat whatever you want. It will help to keep you on track and make you feel like you're not making a lifelong sacrifice (which I personally could never accept and stick with).
    #7 - MFP is great! The calorie counting and exercise tracking are awesome, but so is the support of friends - it can help to have support to keep you on track.
    #8 - Make a game of it! Get a calendar and mark some goals on it. Decide how many calories you are going to allow yourself each day and give yourself 'points' or gold stars for every day you stick with your eating or exercise plan, then plan rewards for meeting your goals. Bribery is a great motivator (at least for me!) - use it liberally!
    #9 - Every day is a new day. If you "blow it" one day, just start fresh the next day. If you "blow it" one meal or one snack, enjoy it for a minute, then shake it off and get back on track. Confessing it to your friends is usually a good idea, cuz they will always be there to remind you to get back on track, or to get up and work it off. Don't let guilt keep you down. Literally, get your attitude back up and your butt back up and moving.
    #10 - If at all possible, find some kind of support locally. Feeling isolated and alone will only make it harder, so make connections wherever you can. Find an exercise class, a mom & tot group, a book club, or take a class somewhere so you can meet some people with similar interests.

    Most importantly, Keep Smiling! Feel good about what you're doing!!! You deserve to be proud of yourself and to feel good about making better choices every day, every time!

    Good Luck!

    Such great advice!!!
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    First of all, I'm sure you aren't a fat ugly cow.
    Second of all, we all came here for the same reason: to get help losing weight and not finding it again.
    Thirdly, make sure you want to lose weight for yourself and don't base it upon what others think for you.
    Fourth, feel free to add me.


    Well said.

    I have lost 30 pounds and still obese according to BMI. BMI, I think that's a number created by a man who thinks everyone should look like a super model. You have made a step in the right direction coming to MFP. I love it here. It keeps me motivated by holding me accountable. But as stated above, you have to do it for yourself, not others. One thing I have discovered though is that as my body is getting smaller, my self image is getting bigger. Feel free to add me as well. We can all use extra support.
  • AloyMomNwife
    AloyMomNwife Posts: 146 Member
    I share your feelings Mamalulu. A couple of days ago I was feeling good about myself so I decided to check how far I was from the overweight category. I thought maybe 5-10 lbs away... 30 lbs away!! I was so upset and frustrated but like all MFPs have written, we just have to ignore the stupid BMI tables and be determined to lose weight to feel better with and about ourselves.

    I am very ashamed of my weight too. I only tell my husband "I lost a pound", never the number on the scale. In less than one year I gained back ALL the pregnancy weight... yup, I lost every pound in 6 months and gained it all back in the next 6. 5 lbs ago I was as heavy as when my baby was about to be born!

    I know it is upsetting but after the crankiness settles, breath and start. MFP is the best thing I have found for support and motivation. Log in daily and keep track of your food and other people going through the same thing. You are not alone! WE are not alone!!
  • GabrielaMatuskova
    Hi MamaLula, I am a mum for 9 months and my BMI is 42. I am a BIG woman and I know I have to loose weight to be able to keep up with my very active child . That is why I joined last Sunday. You just have to believe that you look good, feel good and do your best to loose those few extra kg you gained. I wish you good luck. Feel free to add me :)