whats motivates you & why?

Having a hard time trying to lose weight & tone :noway:

So i want to know what motivates you & why...

Im posting this as it might help me get started again. Starting fresh from tomorrow no more cheating myself!
As ive only lost 1kg in 60days so i must be doing something wrong!! but what??
i eat far much better than before & exercise like 4/5times aweek as before i never done anything and ate what i like i mean takaways nearly everyday. So i cant understand why its taking so much time for the weight to come off :(

Feel free to add me the support & motivation would be great :happy:


  • StacyFrisbie
    StacyFrisbie Posts: 159 Member
    My current motivator is being in MFP's biggest loser season 2 contest. It doesn't matter if I win, but it's fun, I have a great team, and the other members are EXTREMELY motivating. It's so awesome seeing a group of people band together with a common goal and to watch them succeed every week. Friend the group and follow along for fun! Other than that, my biggest motivation is just that I accepted that my choices are what control who I am. I have been successful in every other aspect of my life, so it was hard to admit that I did it to myself. But now I feel empowered to fix myself. I want my kids to learn the right way to eat, and incorporate exercise as fun in their daily lives. I want to be proud of myself. Funny thing is that I thought that I would be proud of a certain weight, but in reality, I'm already proud of myself, for my decisions, for my progress, and for not quitting. Pain is temporary, quitting is forever. You can do it Jade!

  • kritty123
    My biggest motivation is I dont want my daughters to ever know I was fat. I dont want them to even remotely think its ok to eat themselves into death and disease. I want them to have the most positive self body image possible and to know that I love them no matter their body type.

    My love of them and giving their life back to them drives me fantastically....I was beginning to teach them as being a stay at home mom that sitting on the couch and sharing a half gallon of ice cream was "quality" time.......I cry to even think about what I was beginning to teach them. I look at their faces everyday and I'm thankful for the way they are learning to eat and take care of themselves right now. My husband (robbielawley here on MFP) and I tackle things together now as one unit and they will learn what a supportive and healthy relationship is if you work at it together.

    Thats my motivation everyday. Whats your "deep down" motivation?? I mean the kind of motivation that when you think about it can bring you to tears trying to imagine it...
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    My motivation honestly is putting on a clothes 6-8 and they fit nicely. Feel so shallow saying that but it's true. I think there is nothing nicer than feeling good in your clothes when you go out. You're young and you deserve to feel good and be complimented by womena and men.
  • kritty123
    My motivation honestly is putting on a clothes 6-8 and they fit nicely. Feel so shallow saying that but it's true. I think there is nothing nicer than feeling good in your clothes when you go out. You're young and you deserve to feel good and be complimented by womena and men.

    Dont feel shallow saying that. Its absolutely true! Its very important to feel good in what you wear and in your own skin! When you look good, you feel good and that is awesome motivation!! Well said!
  • StacyFrisbie
    StacyFrisbie Posts: 159 Member
    My biggest motivation is I dont want my daughters to ever know I was fat. I dont want them to even remotely think its ok to eat themselves into death and disease. I want them to have the most positive self body image possible and to know that I love them no matter their body type.

    My love of them and giving their life back to them drives me fantastically....I was beginning to teach them as being a stay at home mom that sitting on the couch and sharing a half gallon of ice cream was "quality" time.......I cry to even think about what I was beginning to teach them. I look at their faces everyday and I'm thankful for the way they are learning to eat and take care of themselves right now. My husband (robbielawley here on MFP) and I tackle things together now as one unit and they will learn what a supportive and healthy relationship is if you work at it together.

    Thats my motivation everyday. Whats your "deep down" motivation?? I mean the kind of motivation that when you think about it can bring you to tears trying to imagine it...

    That's some awesome motivation Kritty! You're doing such an amazing job!
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    Seeing the improvement in the mirror and the way clothes fit/look.
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    Thing is it's so much easier to say to someone else and not to yourself. being happy with yourself will shine regardless of shape and size. However, what i do feel is that you get that buzz when you eat well and exercise...not sluggish and slow. must think beyon image and think what's going on inside your body too. I work with a guy who eats the biggest amount of rubbish i know and is like a stick insect...i'd hate to think what's going on inside and also the long term effects.
  • happymiche
    happymiche Posts: 164 Member
    My main motivation will always be God. I've lived TOO long not honoring the one and only body that He blessed me with. Plus, being overweight, has sometimes made it tough to serve Him and I want to serve Him with all that I have to give. And until recently, all I had to give was a frumpy, tired body and zero self-confidence!

    Other than that, getting healthy and being a good example to my family inspires me. This includes the hopes of having another baby. We lost a baby in 2007 (miscarriage) and I carried around a lot of guilt after that. Now, I have a refreshed, renewed hope that we'll add to our family soon :)

    Lastly, I'm in the MFP Biggest Loser season 2 competition...and who doesn't love a little friendly competition? It's showing me how my body can do things that I NEVER thought it could do! I've already seen major changes in my body, and I can't wait to see what's to come!

    Best wishes to you :) I'll send ya a friend request!
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    What motivates me is other people who say I inspire them to get in shape or stay in shape. It makes me feel so good!
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Myself. There are outside stimuli, like compliments or clothes fitting better, but those are just perks. I am the one that stops me from eating badly, I am the one that gets me dressed and to the gym, I am the one that gets me up at dark o clock in the morning to go to my next race. No one and nothing else can really make me do those things and I don't rely on anything but my brain and my internal voice to make sure I'm following through on my goals and plans.
  • dolphin21
    dolphin21 Posts: 301 Member
    What motivates me is knowing I look better, healthier and I inspire others to workout as well!!!! I also don't want to be that person I was before.......!!!!