Hello from a new mom

linnylarkin Posts: 4 Member
edited October 3 in Introduce Yourself

I'm a new mom (12 weeks postpartum) and I am not losing the baby weight like I had hoped to. I had plans to start exercising immediately after giving birth and also do some belly binding to help with the excess skin. And I really thought the pounds would just fall off since I would be breastfeeding. However, complications with the birth caused me to be immoble for a while and I just recently got cleared to do some light exercises.

I'm doing my best to watch what I eat, but I usually eat pretty healthy anyway. Besides going to the physical therapist twice a week for strength training, I'm doing 30 minutes of prenatal pilates three days a week.

I'm 5'6" and started the pregnancy weighing 135 lbs. By the end of the pregnancy I weighed 190 (he was 8.5 lbs. when he was born!) and I'm currently 160. Only 25 pounds left to go!


  • OKmac3
    OKmac3 Posts: 192 Member
    Welcome! Good luck on your journey. You can friend request me if you would like some encouragement along the way.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Welcome! With a little work and a lot of patience you'll shed the weight - no problem! Isn't it crazy how such a cute little creature can mess up a woman's body? Take charge and show that boy who's boss! Good luck!
  • Congratulations to your sweet baby!

    Take your time :-)))
    That weight takes nine months to come, it might take the same time to go away. Especially if you're breastfeeding. I myself did NOT lose an ounce until the day that my boys were eating all by themselves.

    Do also be careful with exercise and stay in contact with your doctor. Increase the intensity slowly -- but steadily ;-))))

    Good luck to you!
  • linnylarkin
    linnylarkin Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • Hi! Your situation seems very similar to mine, although you sound like youve had it alot tougher. Im 18weeks PP, gained about 40 pounds during pregnancy and im now hanging around the 160+ pound mark and cant seem to shift it. Havent been able to sleep for weeks and just lay on the couch depressed, but ive just recently joined the gym and this website to try and help myself. Here we come pre-pragnancy jeans...
  • You're doing great!! Enjoy that cute baby - my experience was that breastfeeding made the pounds drop off when I added in some walks pushing the carriage around and got past the 6 month mark. Make sure you get enough nourishment to heal your body and feed your baby - good luck, miss those days!
  • Hi, I am also in a similar situation, except my son is 17 months old! I am 32 and he was my first and prob last. It's been tough trying to lose the weight but it's been coming off slowly over the last year and a half. My pre-preg weight was about 135-140, I got up to about 190's by the end and now back down to 160... and kinda stuck there! I just need to get these last few pounds off and this site is def helping! Keep your focus, eat clean, and just try to work out as much as you can... easier said than done with a new baby I know! I just do a few mins here and there if I have to. Good Luck and CONGRATS!!!
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