Skinny Cow products



  • belbel79
    I love the skinny cow icecream. but haven't seen half the things mentioned here :( Perth, Western Australia doesn't seem to get a huge range.
    I have Vivil - Creme Life Classic - as a brillaint hard candy snack.
    Too many make me all bloated and sore though :( but it doesn't stop me LOL

    Popcorn with a little sprinkling of icing sugar is a nice treat.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Skinny Cow Hot chocolate drink is so creamy and sweet AND only 37 calories!

    It's become my morning treat at work rather than eating cookies!
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    Skinny cow is not necessarily the best option. I got the ice cream and thought it was a good substitute but, in reality I went over on sugar every time I had one. Not sure about the candy but, in my opinion you might as well go for the real stuff becasue that is basically what skinny cow is. After doing some reading up on the products I just stick to fruit and rarely have candy or ice cream anymore.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I am a huge fan of the skinny cow ice cream products. I've never tried their candies (I don't think they're available here in Canada). Lately I've been eating sugar free peanut butter cups to help curb my peanut butter cup cravings and dark chocolate (85%) for my chocolate cravings. One square of dark chocolate has less than 100 calories and with the really good quality stuff, it's so rich that I can't eat more than 2. I've also been eating low fat graham crackers for my cookie cravings. I've found that the longer I do this, I get less intense cravings for sugar and the super sweet things no longer appeal to me... (hence my use of dark chocolate and graham crackers!).
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Love the Skinny Cow ice cream bars! They do have sugar in them, though, so be careful of that. There's also sugar-free ice cream and ice cream bars. Walmart has sugar free ice cream sandwiches that are really good. I think Klondike makes sugar free bars, too. I've also had some of the frozen fruit bars that are no sugar added, and they're good, too. Keep in mind with stuff like this that most of the time it means no sugar ADDED; there could still be natural milk or fruit sugars in them. They usually use Splenda (sucralose) or aspartame to add sweetness.

    Be careful of the sugar-free chocolates. Someone gave me some sugar-free peanut butter cups (don't remember what brand). On the package it says "Excessive consumption may have a laxative effect." THEY AREN'T KIDDING. I had ONE and was in the bathroom all day. Some people can eat them without a problem, but just go easy until you see how they affect you. I won't touch them again. I felt like I'd eaten a whole box of Exlax. NOT PRETTY...
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    I like that the Skinny Cow ice cream bars have a bit of added fiber in them too. My favorite is the Caramel Truffle ice cream bar. At 100 calories it hits the right spot and keeps me from running to the cookie jar :)
  • chicklet846
    I love skinny cow ice cream cones, but I don't usually buy them because they are expensive and I will eat them every day until they are gone :X