Suggestions on a CRUISE....



  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    So.... I did the cruise and gained 3lbs... *sigh* ... not excited about that, but hoping to burn that back off this week. Will let y'all know how it goes.
    Hey, it could have been much worse. I hope you had a great time though!
  • ZeroTX
    ZeroTX Posts: 179 Member
    We had an amazing time. As of this morning I'm only up 0.6 from before the cruise. Amazing what a good BM will do after being plugged up.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    The cruise I was on had an amazing salad bar. My plan was to load up on salad first, then allow myself to check out the rest of the buffett. That didn't work for me, I ended leaving most of my veggies on my plate, but it is an idea.

    You could order room service for breakfast to avoid the breakfast buffet. I can never pass bacon. If my meal was delivered, I know I would eat far better. You could do it for lunch too, but I like the chance to eat out. Breakfast I wouldn't mind, the rest I would like to go out.

    They also tend to ahve really nice gyms as well so you could take advantage of that to offset the extra cals a bit.

    I tend to get sick if I eat back consistantly for a few days. I have been on a few vacations where I spent a few days not feeling well because all we did was eat out and eating out = greasy food. I have since learned to eat well balanced meals for my first two meals, then I enjoy what ever I want for supper. We tend to spend a lot of time on the move on vacation, so it isn't as bad to do that.

    We just booked a cruise for our honeymoon next year. My plan is to just enjoy it. I will get a good breakfast delivered, so 1. I don't fill up on breakfast because we are going to Italy so I plan on doing a lot of sampling while in port ( I love Italian food and wine) and 2. to enjoy it on the balcony. I will eat whatever I want in port and order a sensible supper. I love to run on the deck when at sea so I will get in some excercise, but my priority is to have a good time, enjoy the food and wine, and relax.