Judging bodies at the Gym



  • melissabee31
    I think it depends on what kind of gym you go to. When I was a part of 24 hour fitness, there were the people that did their own thing, but there were also the people that always attracted attention.

    Once while I was there, a girl who worked out in booty shorts and a bra actually playfully tackled some guy she was talking to. Kind of hard not to notice the people rolling on the floor over there.... hmm.

    I try not to notice other people and just do my own thing. But I've been noticed to the point of the 24HF employee asking for my number and being flirted with by a front desk guy. Weird.
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    I don't judge fat people for being fat. I belong to a small independent gym. Very musclehead. There is a girl there who was seriously overweight and I watched her coming day after day, sweating on the treadmill and lifting weights and felt bad because it didn't seem to be helping. Its been two years now and I can finally see she's lost quite a bit. She's still very heavy, but she's getting a handle on it. She's noticeably smaller. I always tell her she's looking good and doing a great job.

    The other person I can't help staring at is slender and works out in leggings and one of those bra things that annoy me. She's not skinny but slim. But whenever she moves a weight I can see the sculpted muscle in her body. It's fascinating and beautiful. When she's just standing there, her back looks just like a back, but let her move a weight and the muscle moves beautifully. She's not bulky at all, just very toned. She looks like an anatomy poster when she moves. Just gorgeous.

    I may judge people in other places...the obese woman in line in front of me at Scheels Sporting Goods buying CANDY! The morbidly obese woman motoring through a farmer's market in a power chair with no obvious signs of illness aside from just being to fat to walk, slurping on an ice cream cone that was so tall it was starting to topple. Yeah, I've been guilty of judging people like that, but never in the gym.
  • FitCoachJen
    FitCoachJen Posts: 139 Member
    I think "judge" has a negative connotation and my goal isn't to rank people.

    However...I'm detail oriented and nautally curious, so I notice everything. Muscles, clothes, shoes, form, exercises being performed (especially ones I've never seen or really hard ones).

    I also wonder what music you're listening to, what your goals are, how your day allows you to be at the gym at 2pm, stuff like that.

    I've noticed people staring, either because I'm a lady lifting heavy weights or because my tattoos are awesome. I'll stare at you for the same reason (sorry if it's creepy, I mentally cheer for people lifting really heavy weights).

    I hope everyone I encounter isn't judging me. If they are, I'm blissfully ignorant.
  • natalie1872
    I find that I judge myself harder than I judge anyone else.
    When I do my washing and hang my clothes on the line, I look at them and think they are tiny but if I look at myself in the mirror I think I look huge and out of proportion. (mentaly distorted view)
    I always compare myself in size to others in the class and usually put myself in the "needs to be here most" category.
    I try not to mention large people to my kids because I dont want them to have body image issues.
    We can all name something we dont like about ourself, at least were at the gym !!!!
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I NEVER think badly of someone. If I see a VERY heavy man or women I always think "good for them! They are bettering their lives like me!" and then I don't give them a second glance. I tune out everyone in the gym and focus on myself!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I read so much on here that is along the lines of 'nobody gives anybody else's body a second glance', 'nobody notices what anybody else looks like', 'nobody will be thinking about you'.

    Are we just placating each other here or is it really, honestly true for most of you?

    As someone who is obsessed with and paranoid about my own body shape I can't possibly not notice other people's. When I walk into my gym classes the first thing I will do is mentally line everyone else up in order of weight and see where I think I fit into it. If I am one of the thinner ones I am happy at the front and confident to bounce around for the hour, feeling light and pleased with myself. If I am one of the heavier ones I skulk to the back and fear to jump too high in case people think I am wobbling and fat.

    This isn't unusual surely? We watch our own body shape ergo we watch other people's?

    You've pretty muc hit the nail on the head, sort of. I used to always compare myself to the other ladies in the gym "I want a booty like that" "she has great legs" "wow, she's really struggling, that's so awesome that she's here" it was always self depricating. Now the only thing I've got is "man I wish I still had a rack too (stopped nursing and lost my bewbs)." I never look poorly on another person at the gym. They're there for the same reason I am, to work and get more fit, how can I possibly be negative about that?
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    Thanks for the insights.

    'Judge' was perhaps the wrong word. I didn't mean it in a negative way as such. Just that, however big or small a person is, I wil most definitely notice and concentrate on every detail of their body shape. There is no way a person is 'invisible' to me at the gym because I am 'concentrating on myself''. No way. My own body AND everyone else's are under constant scrutiny the whole time I'm there. Sad.
  • shankleefranklee
    Nope. I don't care.

    I pay more attention to what I'm doing, or just looking around in general. I notice what people are wearing like if they're wearing a sweatshirt i think they're burning up, and how long they're on their machines and try to push myself harder.

    I'm there to lose weight, and to get healthy, not judge people.
  • dckim
    dckim Posts: 311 Member
    Nothing wrong with some eye candy while working out. Some girls are wearing so little, they just scream your attention. :tongue:
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    No I don't judge people bodies there, I don't even notice. I'll notice if they have a really great body, but tbh it has to be pretty fantastic to get me to notice, and there's no reason for me to judge it still.
    I'm usually more focused on what they're doing how much they're lifting so I can be like wow I want to lift that!
  • hannata86
    Theres a lady in the gym who is aneorexic.... shes gota bit of muscle definition but what cause my attention was her spine sticking out through her skin... I wasn't intentionally staring at her, just one of those things that catch your eye!!! :(

    Most of the time I "judge" myself on other peoples performance rather than looks/weight/muscle tone... If I'm in a spin I want to be able to keep up with everyone and finish the class. And if I see someone on a treadmill doing 10kmph (while I'm doing 7.5) I'm like... wow! I want to do that!...

    In a ways I dont think I could exercise on my own because there would be no "competition" or anyone to compare myself to, haha
  • LilMissStrawberry
    LilMissStrawberry Posts: 34 Member

    Same here. :)

    Sometimes I want to go up to people who are obese but really working hard and say "Good job! Don't give up! You can doooo iiiittt!", but I don't think they'd appreciate it. lol. So I cheer them on in my head. :D

    OMG! I do this too!
  • emt11dgreene
    i like to look and see what other people are doing to try to get ideas of new things to try in my own workouts
  • maura5880
    maura5880 Posts: 346 Member
    Definitely don't judge people based on their body type. However, I would like to punch the dude who hopped on the elliptical next to me and proceeded to make LOUD moaning noises. So bad!
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    It's different for everyone. I could care less what anyone looks like in my gym. If I'm in a relationship I wouldn't be scoping out the ladies very much but when I'm single I tend to glance around a little more in between sets.
  • torie079
    torie079 Posts: 179 Member
    People do this because they are self conscious and a bit insecure. I could care less, I go do my thing and leave...I love seeing people in the gym of all shapes and sizes:)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    My workout, I'm just focusing on my workout. I really don't "see" anyone else. If I'm working, I glance and look, but I don't judge since they have my respect for being there in the first place.
  • risefromruin
    risefromruin Posts: 483 Member
    Not gonna lie, I constantly look at people! It's mostly just because I'm insecure and constantly comparing myself to other people. I wouldn't say that I'm judging people at the gym though. I see a lot of bigger people there and I'm cheering them on inside my head. Sometimes I just want to stop them and tell them my story because I can only imagine how they feel, but I don't, because that would just be weird. :)
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I used to people watch at the gym, only because I was self-conscious about myself and I was thinking they were looking at me...

    Then I got over it.

    I started working out without worrying about the people around me. And when I did that, I figured out they were (for the most part) doing the same thing.

    We may "notice" each other as if we're not invisible, but staring, judging, "sizing up," etc. doesn't seem to happen nearly as much as we think, especially when we are confident in ourselves enough to just workout and worry about our own selves.

    The people I used to think were guilty of that are actually nice people who are easy to talk to and glad to help when I (or anyone else) needs it with certain pieces of equipment. I guess in my gym (Gold's) we all just realize that we all start somewhere, but are there for the same reasons.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i look, and analyse, but i don't usually judge.

    alot of times i look at the bigger people and think, i wonder if i looked like that a year ago?!*

    often i feel like one of the fattest people in the classes, but it doesn't stop me going. it's hard being a 14-16 when you are surrounded by size 12 and unders.

    but i am there every day, my confidence isn't sky high, but whatever... if people judge me and laugh at my wobbly butt trying to run on the treadmill, well screw them, what goes around comes around!