
Hey all I need some advice my husband hes in pretty good shape like any guys after there 30s they get a little belly but not that bad hes always walking around cause of his job, only problem I have is......

When he is at work I am pretty good about my eating and sometimes getting a workout on (still trying to get back on track with that) ~ When hes home he constantly EATS I don't know where he puts it all, he snacks and eats more then I do but when hes snacking (chips, popcorn you name it) I want the same, I try to hold back but when he points the bag towards me about 80% of the time I can't say NO

How do some of you out there deal with your snacking spouses? It just drives me crazy sometimes

I know once in awhile its okay to have a treat/snack whatever within moderation I usually do but some days I just over do it

Any suggestions?

Thanks In advanced lol


  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 938 Member
    When he's snacking on chips and junk, go grab carrots or celery for yourself
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I have a little stock of foods that I go to when I'm craving something "bad." They might not be as healthy as plain fruit or veggies but they're better than eating a whole bag of chips (which is what I used to do). My favorite is Nutella- 100 cals for one tbs. I put it on bread or on pretzel sticks (honey wheat braids are soooo good) or on fruit like bananas or apples- totally satisfies the chocolate craving. Low-fat or fat-free popcorn or kettle korn I like too because I can pick at it and have it last a while without eating a ton of cals- it's great for when we're watching TV or something and I need to keep my hands and mouth occupied to avoid the junk food. And actually, now we both eat those healthier snacks because he likes them too!
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    Thanks everyone for the suggestions !! Helps a bunch! Ill keep you posted & if there is anymore suggestions keep em coming :love: