1200 or 1530?

So I'm currently eating 1200 cals.... If I put my weight lose at 1/2 lb a week, then it setts me at 1530. I feel like all I am doing is gaining at 1200, but 1530 seems high to still lose weight. Watcha think?


  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    You very well might lose more at 1530 as your body won't freak so much. Plus it's a lot easier to stick with. You don't want to eat only 1200 cals forever.

    I'm set to lose .5 lb/week at 1600 cals and am losing 1-2 lbs.
  • flinchyny
    flinchyny Posts: 106 Member
    Depends on your current weight. Plus your height, age, activity level, and so on. If I ate 1530 a day, I would lose a little weight over time. If I much heavier person ate that much, they may lose a lot of weight that way.

    Personally, I would pick the 1530 -- eating 1200 calories a day can be difficult IMO. Try the 1530 and see what happens.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I'm 3lb from my goal so they have me at 1200. Totally not cool. I do exercise so I can have more calories. It gets me up to about 1500. But I've started spreading my meals out so I'm basically grazing all day on my 1200 calories, and I've lost a couple of pounds this way.
  • jenfactor
    jenfactor Posts: 124
    I am losing at 1800/day... that should be what I need to maintain 132 so I'm going for it now! I'd have to eat like 2600 to maintain my 193. If you have a deficit, you'll lose!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    1530 for sure.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    1200 is too low for most women.

    I'm set at .5lb per week, which gives me 1770. I couldn't lose when I was at 1550 (1lb per week)-it wasn't enough calories for my needs.

    Since I exercise regularly, I eat anywhere from that 1770 to 2100 per day and I'm losing.
  • I've been at a 2lb per week goal as a sedentary person (although i add cardio 4-5 days a week) and my goal is 1540. I've lost 24lbs since June, you'll be fine, just don't forget the excersize! And drink plenty of water!

    Eating too little can cause your body to hang on to what its got.

    try it for a few weeks, and see how it goes!
  • I was actually very scared to do this to. I was eating 1200 plus excersize for a while and lost alot until about 150pds and then my body slowed down. I tried switching it higher and was amazed when I started losing 1+pds a week! My weight loss is going really well now and I've been doing this for a couple weeks now!
  • lukesmama
    lukesmama Posts: 30 Member
    With 15 lbs.to lose I would set it to 1 lb./ week for a bit. When you get to about 5 lb. from your goal set it to .5 lb./week. If you exercise 30 min./day you will get more cals. to eat :)
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    I've been doing about 1200 cals/day and have lost NOTHING. Upping mine to the 1500 range and seeing if this will do anything. PLUS eating 1200 does nothing for you but make you hungry!
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    I've been at 1200 since the beginning. It's not that hard to do once you factor in exercise and keep at it for a while. Somedays I have a hard time filling all my calories.
  • Thank you all! I think I will :)))
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I'm at 1200 cals and I eat back 90% of my exercise cals and I avg. a 2.5 pound loss each week.
  • bTW I am 5 ft ;)