I am so upset..I dont think I can do 30DS anymore :(



  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    Thank you guys for the encouragement..I can't stop crying. I just feel like I worked so hard at it for 10days..and now it hurts too much to continue..I feel like I can deal with the intensity just my stupid knees..I feel like going to walmart asap to pick up Leslie S. Dvd..I was doing so good...but im scared it wont burn enough calories.

    Don't feel bad! Hey I iced my knees the first couple of days. You are NOT alone! It's not necessarily over for you. There's still good stuff on the DVD. Just adapt for your knees.

    If it makes you feel any better, I had to watch the jumping jacks or I'd pee :blushing:
  • zta1989
    zta1989 Posts: 36 Member
    If it's just the jumping jacks bothering u, modfify them. There is no jumping with a modified jumping jack so it should allow u to complete the rest of the workout. good luck!

    I have trouble with the jumping jacks, too. My knees and ankles absolutely hate it. I just march in place while still doing my arms in the jumping jack motion. It helps to keep the heart rate up and that's what's important.
  • browneyes3257
    I'm proud of you for trying... Dnt give up .....I have so many workout videos but haven't yet been able to get thru one .....as long as we keep trying that's all that matters...
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    30ds can get really hard! I recommend building stamina through low impact exercises like using an elliptical, biking, or swimming. Those won't hurt your joints. When you weigh less you can come back to it - doing high impact exercise when you're heavy is actually really painful and not recommended! There will always be exercise you can do :)
  • keddabee
    Im in your boat too!!!

    I try my hardest at the star jumps and the jump rope but i usually get through the warm up star jumps and my archilles start playing up and my knees from bashing them around too much (usually falling over when drunk!)

    Instead I try to do the boxing or the butt kicks (low impact version.. of course) when I cant handle the jumping too much. Good luck.. 30DS does give you amazing results!! I get really offput when she says she has 400lb ppl doing star jumps! But obviously thats just to push you even more!

    Good luck !! xx
  • hello77kitty
    hello77kitty Posts: 260 Member
    30ds can get really hard! I recommend building stamina through low impact exercises like using an elliptical, biking, or swimming. Those won't hurt your joints. When you weigh less you can come back to it - doing high impact exercise when you're heavy is actually really painful and not recommended! There will always be exercise you can do :)

    I actually bought an elliptical before the dvd..I bought it used from craigslist. I was planning on using it everyday as part of my weightloss journey..but a few days of using it and one of the wheels cracked! The replacement is $100 for a friggen wheel that looks like it came off a Razor scooter..I paid 170 for the machine so I don't know if its worth it to replace the wheel or if its just a bad quality machine(proform).
  • nh2576
    nh2576 Posts: 69
    YOU NEED TO TRY LESLIE!!! You can buy leslie dvd's for $10 so even if you hate, you're not out too much. I recommend her 4 mile super challenge or the 5 fat burning miles. You may be surprised at just how tough one of those hour-long workouts can be!! I lost 30 lbs over 4 months doing the 4 mile super challenge 5 days/week, resting on sat and sun, and counting cals...that's it. Leslie has an awesome kit on her website: www.lesliesansone.com that is a 21 day challenge. You get 3 totally different workouts and a set of resistance bands (unique and kind of cool - VERY effective). Wk 1 is a 30 min workout, Wk 2 is a 45 min workout and Wk 3 is 60 min workout. She does a walk-in-place kind of walk, but likes to add boosters plus low impact or "boosted" examples in each work out as well. The nice thing about this is you can adjust the resistance bands/cables to whatever resistance is right for you and continue to build/tone muscle by shortening up the cable and doing the 21 day series again and again.

    The other awesome thing about Leslie that I love so much is her caring and compassionate nature. Some find her annoying and turn off the sound, but I loved to hear her encouragement. Felt like she was talking right to me the first time i did the 4 mile super challenge from start to finish. I highly recommend you give her a try. I like to invest in videos rather than large equipment - DVD's cost much less and take up WAY less space in my home during my "off seasons", too, LOL! Good Luck!
  • michedarnd
    michedarnd Posts: 207 Member
    Already having bad knees, I was SPECIFICALLY TOLD to avoid Jillian Michaels. I do knee bends, squats, lunges, sit-ups, crunches, push-ups, standing-leg-lifts, etc. Then, I use my elliptical, heavily. I do a lot of my workouts with mini-hand-weights, and I make certain that I exercise my legs and arms at the same time -- but NOT with IMPACT. You can work on toning yourself without decimating your knees. I climb the stairs at work, etc. Moreover, walking will get rid of a LOT of weight. You'd be surprised. You burn a fair number of calories walking -- ESPECIALLY if you are heavy, anyway.

    You don't have to ruin your knees, and you SHOULDN'T feel like a failure because they aren't cooperating.
  • mballadares
    So what I have learned from training for triathlons is that you must start training slow. You cant just jump in and expect to run 6 miles just starting off. You start off with one mile, do some speed training in between and then gradually build up to the 6 miles OVER TIME.

    Please do not beat yourself up about it, or you will just give up completely. Here are some things I hope will help

    1. Start off walking 15 to 20 min a day (if you can jog, then jog... its up to you)
    2. during your exercise routine tell yourself "I feel great!" "I love this" "I am going to look so amazing if I keep this up!"
    3. After a week of doing your 15-20 min, up the routine by 5 min.

    Its important to tell yourself how amazing you feel during the exercise, its physiological. I am serious, it works!
    As you build up muscle you will become stronger and can handle adding on additional exercises like the 30DS.
    Lastly you must listen to your body, if the exercise is hurting your joints then stop and do something a little less impacting for a week or two. If you feel stronger after that give it another shot but don't get discouraged if your body is not having it... just change up the routine and eventually you will be completing the 30DS with energy to spare!

    Hand in there!
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    30DS is not a beginners workout. Don't feel like a failure! Start doing other workouts: walking, light jogging, etc. to build up your leg strength and endurance.

    I couldn't do it at first either. Don't you dare give up!
    I totally agree! I've been working out regularly... 5 - 7 days a week for over 1 1/2 years and I just started it and it's very challenging to me... Start with other things first. Get used to doing some of those things first.
    Go to some group fitness classes at your gym if you have a gym or try doing some monthly challenges on here... there are usually quite a few to choose from.... they will have one or two extra workouts a day... some of the challenges can be difficult but there are always ways to adjust to your level.
    It will be ok. Exercise is something to build up to. Do NOT give up!
    Feel free to friend me if you'd like.
    I'm studying to be a group fitness instructor and will be taking my exam in December.
    You have to give yourself time; you'll be where you want to be eventually... know when to listen to your body and know when to push it. I would say that you stopped when you needed to. You did the right thing!
  • ajanmillie
    ajanmillie Posts: 241 Member
    Please, please, please DO NOT GIVE UP! We all have to start somewhere.You are fine.
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    If it is just the jumping jacks that bother your knees just do something different. The key is to keep moving, don't listen to her when she says everyone can do them. I find them hard to do usually I do a jumping jack with her but I don't just just move legs side to side and flap my arms as if I am a bird learning how to fly for the first time. Sounds silly but still gets my heart rate up and I can still do her workouts, maybe one day I will be able to do them but right now my main concern is to stay moving and to stick with a workout that's at least 20min long daily.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    The one thing I don't like about home DVD's is that many people that start them may not be ready for them. Everyone is different and unless you've been assessed, you really don't know what your actual limits are.
    The point is, that people who are overweight/obese usually will have joint pain issues and because they have probably been sedentary, high impact workouts will put undue stress on joints that they aren't accustomed to.
    Your best bet it to start slow. If you have difficulty just walking a mile, then you won't be ready for other higher intensity workouts. Baby steps when it comes to starting exercise.
  • neuro316
    neuro316 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm doing the 30DS for the first time and when I reach those points that are more difficult for me (push ups, plank moves, etc.), I just keep telling myself "anything is better than zero!" So, even if I can only do 5 push ups and the "girls" in the video are doing 15, hey, I did 5 better than zero!

    If there are moves that are painful (as in, actual pain, not just discomfort), please don't do them! It's not worth injuring yourself. Just keep moving. So, instead of doing the jumping jacks, either just do the arm movement, or do the arm movement while stepping from side to side. Or do more of another move from the workout that doesn't hurt as much.

    Also, are you working out on a hard floor or on carpet? Maybe carpet would be a bit easier on your knees?

    I wouldn't concentrate so much on the idea of getting "shredded." Honestly, I'd never heard of that as a term related to weight loss until I came to MFP and heard about the 30DS video. It's best to listen to your own body, and take things gradually. Especially if you're new to working out, doing too much too soon will increase your chances of getting injured, or getting sick from lowering your immunity because of the stress on your body.
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    I wouldn't concentrate so much on the idea of getting "shredded."

    I agree 110%!!! That whole "shredded" thing is just marketing. Would I love an awesome body? Sure...but I'm not going to do what it takes to get that. It's not a simple "do a dvd thing". Those people have low body fat % and work HARD for that stuff. When I started here, I wanted to go out without feeling like I hated myself. I never joined MFP and said to myself "Let's get a shredded body". That's for the movie hunks. :)
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    You are not too fat...I am a running fool and am pretty tiny and there are workouts that I just won't do or can't do as they hurt my knees. 30DS and SOME of the FIRM DVD just have way too many squatty lungey things.

    I AM fat but I can run without pain. The 30DS, however, killed my knees too. Don't feel bad about it, just try something new!
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Have you had your biomechanics checked out - my knee is currently stuffed from going from zero running to 10 mins @6mph too suddenly. While having physio to help treat the pain it evolved that I overpronate (roll one foot in) which has given me something akin to shin splints. it's worth getting that checked out as you can do things to correct it which will help with the pain.

    Any new exercise regime puts stress on the body and if you have any weaknesses they will soon show up!
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    Don't feel like a failure.

    I cannot do the 30DS due to my knees killing me during and after but yet I am able to run up to ten miles without any problems.

    I think it is pretty impacting on the knees.

    There are lots of exercises with less impact if you google or maybe ask other folks who have knee problems what they do. I know elliptical and swimming are two big ones.

    Maybe walking for now? I only used walking to lose my initial 50 pounds and starting my running at goal weight.